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Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: Will the IELTS test in August 2020 be canceled? "Hello, teacher, can the IELTS test in August still be held on time, will it be canceled [...]

Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: Will the IELTS exam in August 2020 be canceled

"Hello, teacher, can the IELTS test in August still be held on time? Will it be canceled? Thank you!"

Answer: Hello, according to the current situation, the IELTS test in August will be held as scheduled and will not be canceled. The details are as follows:

1. First, the best news is IELTS test will resume in July 2020 Yes, although not all test centers in the country have resumed normal operation, many test centers have begun to accept a certain number of candidates to take the IELTS test. This is undoubtedly good news for those who will take the IELTS exam in August and later months.

2. In addition, all cities have gradually entered the normal production and living mode, and the college entrance examination has also been held as scheduled under the control of the epidemic. Therefore, in the view of the old roast duck, as long as the prevention and control of the epidemic situation is further strengthened in China, the IELTS test in August will continue to be carried out, and will have more tests than that in July.

You can continue to pay attention to the situation of epidemic prevention and control and IELTS News During this period, you can prepare IELTS oral question bank from May to August 2020 As for the content of the examination questions appearing in the current quarter, you can easily go to the examination room when you can take the exam.

Inquire whether the national test centers can retake the exam →: After the epidemic, the IELTS test re examination arrangement updates the IELTS test recovery dynamics in real time

The above is a detailed question and answer about "Will the IELTS exam in August 2020 be canceled?" I hope it can help more people with such doubts. At the same time, you are also welcome to follow the WeChat public account (WeChat search "Old Roast Duck") to obtain exclusive resources and information for preparing for the exam. I wish you all success in preparing for the IELTS test and get the ideal scores as soon as possible!

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Will the IELTS exam in August 2020 be canceled: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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