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Many students will be curious about the score of IELTS spoken language before the exam or the score. Today's Roast Duck

How many IELTS speaking scores reach the standard

Many students will be curious about the number of IELTS speaking scores before the exam or the score. Today, the old Roast Duck Editor will talk about this problem with you.

First of all, unlike the final exam or the high school and college entrance exam, which we are familiar with from childhood to adulthood, IELTS speaking only exists to measure our current English level, and does not have the concept of whether we are up to standard or not. In other words, there is no specific score. If it is reached, it means passing, and if it is not reached, it means failing.

However, various schools will set relevant language performance requirements for their applicants, and IELTS speaking is one of the most important ones. So we can also say that the specific score of IELTS speaking standard depends on the requirements of your ideal school.

At present, the top 100 universities in the world often require applicants to achieve a total IELTS score of 6.5, and an IELTS speaking score of no less than 6.0. Some of the world's top universities (Cambridge University, Oxford University, Imperial College, etc.) or some top universities' ace majors even require everyone to achieve 6.5 or 7.0 IELTS speaking scores. The specific situation can be referred to IELTS score requirements Plate.

However, these schools also often set up their own language classes. If everyone's IELTS oral performance does not meet the standard, they can make up for it by studying language classes. However, not all the students in the language class can get any score. At least 5 or 5.5 points are required.

The above is a detailed answer to the question of "how many IELTS speaking scores meet the standard". I hope it will be helpful to all of you.

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