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Is the IELTS Speaking Examiner a foreigner. Some examinees think that since IELTS is an exam launched in the UK, the examiner [...]

Is the IELTS Speaking Examiner a foreigner

IELTS Speaking Examiner Our identity has been full of layers of fog. Some examinees think that since IELTS is a test launched in the UK, the examiners should also be mainly British, and Americans or Australians should be the examiners even if it is hard. But when I entered the examination room, I was surprised to find that the examiner was obviously Asian, and most likely Chinese. So are the IELTS speaking examiners all foreigners?

The answer depends on where and when you take the exam. In mainland China, IELTS speaking examiners must be foreigners, but not necessarily outside the mainland. The specific explanation is as follows:

More than a decade ago, the IELTS official did not stipulate the nationality of oral examiners. Whether they are Chinese or foreigners, they can be employed as oral examiners as long as they meet the corresponding conditions. But later, the IELTS official changed the recruitment conditions, requiring that applicants must not be Chinese nationals to serve as examiners in the mainland. So for now, even if the examiners you see clearly have Chinese appearance characteristics, they must not have Chinese nationality, so they are legally foreigners.

However, even if the oral examiner is not the British, American or Australian we expect, we don't need to worry about any deviation in their scores or incomprehension of the questions asked. All examiners have received strict training before going on duty and have relevant qualifications IELTS Oral Scoring Standard To score, there is no influence of nationality or color.

The above is a detailed answer to "Is the IELTS Speaking Examiner a foreigner?" I hope it will be helpful to the confused students.

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