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IELTS Oral Part 2 Topic Card: Describe a try you like in your child [...]

Spoken IELTS Part 2 Topic Card: Describe a toy you like in your childhood

Ideas: The following ideas are for reference, and I hope you can write your answers according to your real experience

Everyone should have their own words on this topic. The doll and rubber band of the girl when she was a child (forgive Xiao Bian, as a boy, I really don't know what the girl played when she was a child...). The boy's childhood four-wheel drive car, Transformers, gyroscope, BB gun, or PDA, game console, etc. If you really forget your childhood toys, talk about computers and iPads. In terms of expansion, if the toy itself is not easy to describe, you can play more roles in the history of the toy.


Describe a toy you had in your childhood

You should say:

When you had the toy

Who gave you the toy

What it was like

How you felt about the toy

Reference answer

The following is the original reference answer given by the old roast duck editor according to the specific topic requirements:

please Beijing New Channel Shanghai New Channel Xiaozhan IELTS Acaso Foreign Teacher Network Baili Tianxia Studying Abroad as well as Intelligent course network Don't plagiarize the articles of this website again.

The toy I am going to tell you is the model of a transformer. When I was 5 or 6 years old, the cartoon ‘transformers’ was very popular in China. Every night at 6.30, I would sit in front of the television and wait for the good Optimus Prime and his fellow warriors fighting against the evil Megatron. My classmates and I even played their roles in the day and fought against each other at school.

I want to tell you that the toy is a model of Transformers. When I was about 5 or 6 years old, Transformers animation was very popular in China. At 6.30 every night, I will be punctually in front of the television, waiting for just Optimus Prime and its brave partners to fight against the evil Megatron. Even in school, we will play these roles and fight with each other.

One day when my father and I were shopping in a mall, I notice the model of Optimus Prime on the counter of a shop. It may be a little crude in today’s perspective, but then it was the best thing I had ever seen. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. I could not move my eyes. After begging my father for almost half an hour, he finally agreed to buy it.

One day, my father and I went shopping in the mall. When we passed a store, I suddenly saw the model of Optimus Prime. It may look rough now, but it was definitely the best thing I had ever seen. I can't move my eyes. After begging his father for half an hour, he finally agreed to buy it.

It was the best toy in my childhood, with not only flexible joints but also two forms. It could change from human to a truck, a true transformer. Every day, I held it in my hand, imagining that I was fighting against Megatron and saving the earth. I shouted their slogan or made the sound of shooting and explosion. I was so absorbed in my own world that sometimes I even forgot to eat. Oh, I miss it.

It was the best toy of my childhood. Not only can joints move freely, but they can even switch between truck and human forms. I took it and imagined that I was fighting with the enemy forces, shouting their slogans, or making the sound of explosion and shooting. I am so immersed in my own world that I sometimes forget to eat. I miss it very much now.

Part 3 Additional questions

How do advertisements influence children?

Should advertising aiming at kids be prohibited?

Do you think parents should buy more toys for their kids or spend more time with them?

What is the difference between toys kids play now and those they played in the past?

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IELTS Oral Part 2 Topic Card: Describe a toy you had in your childhood There are currently 8 comments

  1. 0F
    دانلود سریال شه3

    nice article tanks….

    2018-01-20 09:31 [Reply]


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