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IELTS Oral Part2 Topic Card: Describe a public place that you think nee [...]

Spoken IELTS Part2 Topic Card: Describe a public place that you think needs improvements

Ideas: The following ideas are for your reference. I hope you can write your answers based on your own experience.

If you get this question, you should not go blank. There will always be some areas that need to be improved on the road to building a better socialism in the motherland. These common problems and shortcomings are most easily reflected in public facilities or some places. For example, we can think of public toilets. People's squares and shopping malls in various cities are public places. This question may be more profound for roast ducks who like to travel abroad. For example, after visiting some developed countries and regions, such as Japan and New Zealand, the public areas in those scenes are really clean. Maybe I went to a country with relatively backward economy, so the contrast will be larger. In a word, you can find something to say at home and abroad, in cities and outside.

The following is the reference answer given by the old roast duck editor according to the specific question requirements:

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Describe a public place that you think needs improvements

You should say:

Where this public place is

What it is like

Why you think it needs improvements

And how to make it better

One place I want to talk about that needs to be improved is the railway station. I mean the old station, not the new Xi'an high-speed railway station. The last time I went to the railway station in Xi'an was last summer when I visited my old classmates in the university.

The place I’m going to talk about is the train station of Xi’an, I mean the old one, not the newly built CRH(China Railway High Speed) train station. The very last time I went there was actually last summer when I was visiting an old classmate of mine in College.

The whole city of Xi'an has undergone some changes and become better than before. Only the Xi'an Railway Station, which most people from all over the world will pass by, has not changed much. When I got off the train, a smell of foul urine and smoke in the air gently gave me a kiss of welcome. In a place where I have lived for four years, the sanitary conditions seem almost unchanged. You don't know how disappointed I was at that time. What makes me even more uncomfortable when I first arrived is that theft and fraud still happen there.

The appearance of the city has changed, it’s been better than before, except for the train station where most visitiors from home and abroad could drop by. The time I got out of train, the stinky smell of urine with a mix of some smoke just gently gave me a welcome kiss. You just couldn’t imagine how sad I was when I saw a city where I have once lived for 4 years just seemingly remained the same as it was in terms of the public sanitary condition. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. What makes me f eel even less comfortable was that theft and fraud was still constantly seen there. For example, leading you to a well known 3-star hotel which proved to be just a cheap copy.

I don't know how the local government views this. Maybe they have tried to make some improvements, such as building new high-speed railway stations of higher level. However, for the sake of the city's appearance, the old railway station still needs to be improved. It would be better if they could promulgate some regulations to control it. Just like the Singapore government, they will be fined heavily, so I think the situation will be better.

I’m not sure what the local government would be thinking about this. Maybe they’ve made some effort in the improvement of the public environment like setting up another brand new train station with higher level public environment. Whereas, the old one still needs some improvements for the sake of the image of the city. It would be really helpful if the government make some laws to regulate the problems. Like what the government in Singapore does, giving them heavy fines, then I guess the situation would become better.

Next part 3, click to view: IELTS Speaking Topic Part 3 Public Places to be Improved

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IELTS Oral Part2 Topic Card: Describe a public place that you think needs improvements There are currently 9 comments

  1. 0F
    Anthony C.

    Thanks.This post was really interesting, especially because I was investigating for thoughts on this topic last week.

    2018-10-23 23:32 [Reply]


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