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Watching sports in one's free time is just a waste of time

Today we IELTS Writing This is a sample essay to study whether watching sports games is a waste of time. On the one hand, sports competitions really bring us some enjoyment, which is a good way to relax after work and study; But from another point of view, watching sports games is not only unprofitable, but even harmful. Our body has not been exercised in this process, and this time could have been used to do something more meaningful( Summary of thoughts on sports and leisure topics in IELTS writing )。 So is it a waste of time? Old Roast Duck has collected a related high score model essay for your reference.

Title of IELTS Writing Composition

Some people think that watching sports in one’s free time is just a waste of time. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?

Some people think that watching sports games in one's free time is a waste of time. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

Sample Essay of IELTS Writing

Opening paragraph

Different kinds of sports are enjoyed by sports lovers around the world and most people have their own favorite sports. Nowadays, watching sports has become one of the common leisure activities and many people spend hours sitting in front of a television. However, some people argue that it is a waste of time and they advise opting to outdoor activities instead. In my opinion, watching sports on television is not a waste of time but there should be a balance between the time spent on watching sports and taking part in other social and sports activities.

Sports lovers all over the world like all kinds of sports, and most people also have their own favorite sports. Nowadays, watching sports games has become a common leisure activity. Many people sit in front of the TV for hours. However, some people think it is a waste of time, and they suggest choosing outdoor activities. I think watching sports games on TV is not a waste of time, but there should be a balance between the time spent watching sports games and other social and sports activities.

Main section 1

First of all, watching sports is an excellent form of entertainment and for many, this is even a passion. It is a pleasure and way of relaxation for many and in most of the cases, people watch sports with others, which is a great way of socializing. I believe that watching live sports on TV has become an event of socializing and communicating with each other in many countries. However, spending hours after hours in front of a TV set to watch different sports and not doing anything is not recommended.

First of all, watching sports games is a good way of entertainment. For many people, it is even full of passion. This is a way for people to relax. And in many cases, people watch sports games with others, which is a good way to socialize. I believe that in many countries, watching live sports games on TV has become a social and communication activity. However, I do not recommend watching different sports programs hour after hour in front of the TV without doing anything.

Main section 2

On the contrary, many people claim that watching sporting events on TV to kill one’s spare time is not a worthwhile activity as this time could be better utilized by taking part in other social activities and skill development programmes. People, who watch TV most of the time, become isolated and develop an unhealthy eating habit. Thus according to many, watching sports on TV has no significant benefits and participating in outdoor activities is much healthier and advantageous.

On the contrary, many people claim that watching sports events on TV to kill free time is not worth it, because it can be better used by participating in other social activities and skill improvement projects. People who spend a lot of time watching TV become isolated from the world and develop unhealthy eating habits. Therefore, many people believe that watching sports games on TV has no obvious benefits, and participating in outdoor activities is more healthy and beneficial.


To conclude, we have to maintain a symmetry in our leisure activities; while enjoying sporting is a good way of relaxation and socialization, too much of it can be harmful. We have to choose plenty of various free activities to foster a healthy lifestyle.

In short, we must keep a balance in leisure activities. Enjoy watching sports is a good way to relax and socialize, but too much watching may be harmful. We must choose various leisure activities to develop a healthy lifestyle.

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