How difficult is the listening of IELTS OG? Many students will turn their eyes to IELTS OG after finishing the Cambridge IELTS series of authentic questions, and want to use the above eight sets of questions to further understand it [...]

How difficult is IELTS OG listening

Many students will turn their attention to the Cambridge IELTS series after finishing the real questions IELTS OG , I want to use the above 8 sets of questions to further familiarize myself with the IELTS test writing routine and make up for my own weaknesses. How difficult are the listening questions on IELTS OG? Can it reflect the real situation of the exam? Today, the old Roast Duck Editor will talk about this problem with you.

First of all, let's make a conclusion: the IELTS listening test set on OG is similar to the real test, but the difficulty is much lower, and the assignment of test types is not quite in line with the current test situation. The details are as follows.

1. In the current IELTS listening test, the stem of the blank filling question is often quite different from the original listening text, and the unprecedented use of words is not as great as before. It needs to make more use of parts of speech and stress to locate. Multiple choice questions mainly focus on various interference items, while matching mainly focuses on synonymous replacement in various ways. These contents are reflected in the listening questions of IELTS OG.

2. However, the listening speed of IELTS OG is significantly slower than that of the Cambridge IELTS test and the real test, which is about 0.75 times of their speed. Moreover, the pronunciation is clearer, and there are fewer voice phenomena such as linking and swallowing. Therefore, in fact, it is more suitable for students with listening scores of 5-6 to practice intensive listening.

3. In addition, the distribution of IELTS OG listening questions is also different from the current exam. In the current exam, Section 1 and Section 4 are mainly filled in the blank, while Section 2 and Section 3 are mainly single choice, multiple choice, matching and mapping. Tables and short answers rarely appear. However, in OG, the proportion of blank filling questions is significantly higher, and short answer is the mainstream question type. So we should be calm when we do it. We don't have to feel different from Cambridge IELTS. What is orthodox.

The above is the detailed answer to "How difficult is IELTS OG listening", hoping to help more candidates who are preparing for the IELTS listening test!

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