Answers Analysis of Cambridge IELTS 4 Test 4 Listening Section 3

Cambridge IELTS 4 Test 4 Listening Section 3 Answers Analysis

The 10 questions in the third part of the fourth set of questions of the Cambridge IELTS 4 Listening Comprehension Test consist of 6 table blanks and 4 matching questions. Compared with the current exam, the difficulty is actually closer to Section 2. Especially the later matching. Generally speaking, the matching of IELTS Listening Section 3 is mainly based on word meaning interpretation and sentence replacement, but this question still stays on synonyms. The following is the analysis of each question.

Click to view this IELTS Listening What you need to master in High-frequency vocabulary , and its corresponding Original recording

Cambridge IELTS 4 test 4 Section 3 original listening

IELTS Preparation for Listening 4 test 4 section 3 High frequency vocabulary of IELTS listening

Analysis of Listening Answers of Cambridge IELTS 4 Test 4 Section 3

Answer to question 21: 20 balloons

Analysis: After hearing the first experiment, I began to pay attention to that although empty is parallel to table, and this parallel relationship does appear in the recording, it is actually easier to do this question according to the prompt of the header device.

Answer to question 22: units of measurement/measures/measurement units

Analysis: This question is difficult. On the one hand, the clue word paperclips is too far away from the answer, and a lot of nonsense is added in the middle. On the other hand, the collocation of answers is relatively rare in listening, and it is easy to be unresponsive. The answer is determined mainly through synonymous replacement of show and demonstrate, standard and fixed.

Answer to question 23: rock salt/salt

Analysis: according to the experience 3 positioning, combined with the header and part of speech, the answer is salt. The only thing to note is that the answer is too close to experience 3, which is easy to miss

Answer to question 24: crystals

Analysis: locate the sentence according to a jar of water. The answer is mentioned twice in the original. For the first time, replace the grow in the stem with the form, and for the second time, reverse the word order. However, because the answer is repeated twice, the answer is not big.

Answer to question 25: strings/piece of string

Explanation: The stem of the question is parallel to the cardboard and colored pens. Although the words explaining them are added in the listening recording, it is easier to determine the answer according to the conjunction "then".

Answer to question 26: (ordinary) (white) light

Resolution: This question can be positioned roughly through the rhythm of questions and answers. When men ask what is the principle behind the last question, they have already indicated that the answer is coming. Then the original word "teach" appears in the question stem, and the answer is "light".

Answer to question 27: H

Analysis: locate the sentence according to experience 2, and synonymous replacement of risk, get hurt and danger in the recording, so that the answer is H

Answer to question 28: B

Analysis: according to the number two positioning sentence, the synonymous replacement of tame and boring in the recording, and the antonymous replacement of active, interesting, happy and boring determine that the answer is B

Answer to question 29: E

Resolution: locate the sentence according to number 3. Even if you don't know what fortitude means, it's good to know that it should be related to time, and it also mentioned one or two hours again later. Among the options, only too long is related to time, so the answer is E

Answer to question 30: C

Resolution: This question is a bit difficult. Although it is easy to locate sentences according to number 5, it is also easy to hear ambient. But because most students remember "ambitious", it is difficult to associate it with "too difficult".

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Cambridge IELTS 4 Test 4 Listening Section 2 Answers Analysis

Cambridge IELTS 4 Test 4 Listening Section 4 Answers Analysis

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