Cambridge IELTS 5 Test 1 Read Passage 1 Answer Analysis Johnson's Dicti [...]

Cambridge IELTS 5 Test 1 Read Passage 1 Answer Analysis Johnson's Dictionary

The first set of topics of Cambridge IELTS 5 The 13 topics of the first article are composed of one multi choice of three out of seven, four summaries and six TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN. Except that the article is a little long and the time for doing the questions is a little tense, the overall difficulty is not great.

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Cambridge IELTS 5 test 1 passage 1 Johnson Dictionary

Cambridge IELTS 5 Test 1 Reading Passage 1 Translation of original text Johnson's dictionary

Sword 5 Test 1 Passage 1 Reading answer analysis

Answer to question 1: D

Corresponding to the original: Paragraph 6: illustrative their many memories with some 114000 quotations drawn from English writing on every subject, from the Elizabethans to his own time

Analysis: the original from Elizabeth (late 16th century and early 17th century) to his own time is replaced by contemporary. Therefore, determine D as the answer. The original text only said that the previous dictionary paid more attention to scholars' vocabulary, and no Johnson's avoided all scholars' vocabulary, so option A was wrong. Option B is wrong with only, while option C is wrong with the large number of people

Answer to question 2: E

Corresponding to the original text: the sixth paragraph: Working to a deadline

Resolution: The deadline in the original text is replaced by the time limit in the option, so E is the answer.

Answer to question 3: G

Corresponding to the original text: the sixth paragraph: Unlike his precursors, Johnson treated English very practically, as a living language, with many different shades of meaning.

Analysis: The key to this question lies in the understanding of the subtiles of meaning, that is, the subtlety of the meaning of words. The original text says that different shades of meaning also have different meanings of words. The two correspond to each other, so the answer is G

Answer to question 4: (copying) clarks

A long desk running down the middle at which the copying clearks would work standing up

Analysis: According to 1764, the article was located at the end of the fourth natural paragraph, and the article came from the old roast duck IELTS. The empty who stop at a long central desk is used to decorate the empty space. You can use it to determine the answer. It is found that it corresponds to the standing up in the original text, so the answer is copying clarks

Answer to question 5: library

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 6: filling about apparently large notebooks (and without a library to hand), Johnson wrote the definitions of over 40,000 words

Analysis: It is located at the beginning of the sixth natural paragraph according to 40000 words and 80 large notebooks. There is an unprecedented negation of "not" in the question stem, which corresponds to "without", so the answer is library

Answer to question 6: stability

It is the corner stone of Standard English, an achievement which, in James Boswell’s words, ‘conferred stability on the language of his country’.

Resolution: According to James Boswell's name, it is positioned to the eighth paragraph, and the synonym of "consult" and "bring" is unprecedented, so the answer is "stability"

Answer to question 7: vision

The Dictionary, together with his other writing, make Johnson trouble and so well esteemed that his friends were able to predict upon King George III to offer him a concern

Resolution: according to the king, locate the ninth paragraph, grant corresponds to offer, and the answer is "pension".

Answer to question 8: TRUE

Corresponding to the original text: The third paragraph: Beyond the practical need to make order out of chaos, the rise of dictionaries is associated with the rise of the English middle class

Analysis: The growing importance and increased demand in the title correspond to the two risks in the original text, while the middle class and directions are the original words. That is to say, all the information in the question stem can be found in the original text to determine the answer.

Answer to question 9: FALSE

Corresponding original text: the third paragraph: Dr Samuel Johnson, the very model of an eighteenth-century literary man, as famous in his own time as in ours

In the original description, Johnson was as famous in his time as ours, while in the title, he was even more famous after his death. The two descriptions conflict with each other, so it is judged as FALSE

Answer to question 10: NOT GIVEN

Corresponding original text: None

Interpretation: The original text did not mention any of Johnson's previous plans, and directly jumped to his dictionary compilation, so the answer was NOT GIVEN

Answer to question 11: FALSE

Corresponding to the original text: the fourth paragraph: Johnson decided he did not need an academy to settle arguments about language

Explanation: The original text clearly said that he did not need the help of the college to resolve the dispute, which was completely opposite to the question stem, so the answer was FALSE

Answer to question 12: FALSE

Corresponding to the original text: The fourth paragraph: He was to be paid £ 1575 in installations

Explanation: In the original, installments means installment payment, which means that he has always had money to take during the dictionary compilation process. Instead of being rich when it's finished.

Answer to question 13: TRUE

Corresponding to the original text: The fifth paragraph: He was also helped by six assistants, two of whom died whilst the Dictionary was still in preparation.

Analysis: It is mentioned in the original that two assistants died in the process of dictionary preparation. All the assistants live to see that the publication of the dictionary is in line with what is said on the question stem, so the answer is TRUE

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Cambridge IELTS 5 Test 1 Read Passage 1 Answer Analysis Johnson's Dictionary: Wait for you to sit on the sofa!


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