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Is it possible to get 6 points for stuttering in IELTS Speaking Part 3? In the IELTS Speaking Test, some students prepared in advance according to the spoken language experience. Part 1 and Par [...]

Is it possible to get 6 points for stuttering in IELTS Oral Part 3

In the IELTS speaking test, some students Spoken Machine Scripture Yes, Part1 and Part2 answered very fluently and smoothly, and their vocabulary and grammar were also very diverse. However, in Part3, because the examiner did not follow the routine, or the time was limited, the answer was not satisfactory. This process is stuttering and not smooth at all. In this case, is it possible to get 6 IELTS speaking scores? Today, the old Roast Duck Editor will talk about this problem with you.

The answer is not only possible, but also possible. According to the information disclosed by the IELTS official and various examiners. The first two parts of the IELTS Speaking Test mainly determine the lower limit of everyone, that is, the lowest score in the test, while the third part mainly determines the upper limit of everyone, that is, the highest score. If you want to say simply and rudely, it's just that Part 1 and Part 2 answer well( Answers to IELTS Oral Part 1 & IELTS Spoken Part 2 Model )The difference between Part 3 and the previous part should not be too big, even if it is a little worse, it can basically lock in 6 points.

It is precisely because of this score calculation method that different candidates' feedback on Part 3 will be so different. Some students feel that the examiner is very kind in Part 3, and the answer is over. This is because he feels that he has basically found out the level of everyone, and it is good to explain. Some students felt that the examiner had a lot of things to do in Part 3. They repeatedly asked about a small point in their answers, which made them feel at a loss. Sometimes they even had nothing to say. This situation shows that the examiners are quite satisfied with everyone's English level and hope to explore the limits of their ability through some tricky questions.

To sum up, even if you falter in answering some questions in IELTS Oral Part 3, as long as not all questions are the same, the probability of reaching 6 points is still high.

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Is it possible to stutter 6 points in IELTS Oral Part 3: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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