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Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: Yunnan IELTS is better than Guizhou IELTS "I heard that there is a negative score in the IELTS exam, but I also heard that there are some places that are not very negative, such as [...]

Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: Yunnan IELTS or Guizhou

"I heard that the IELTS test has a negative score, but I also heard that some places are not very negative, such as the western or southernmost provinces. So I want to ask the old roast duck whether it is better to take the IELTS test in Yunnan or Guizhou? Thank you!"

Answer: Some students have asked this question before, and they are worried about the score, so they especially want to go to these provinces to take the exam. In fact, the effect is similar. It is not meaningful to compare Yunnan and Guizhou by force; They are all very good test sites.

1. The examination sites in Yunnan Province and Guizhou Province have good reputation (compared with some test sites in BJ), and many students of Roast Duck have achieved good results in these two provinces. They think it may be because there are fewer people taking the exam there, and the average level of examinees is not as high as that in Beijing, so the pressure on the scores is not serious. However, this does not mean that you can get ideal results even if you go there. The key is to see how well you prepare for the IELTS test.

Click to view the details of IELTS test sites in these two places:

Detailed Introduction to IELTS Test Center of Guizhou University

How about the IELTS test center of Yunnan University of Finance and Economics?

2. Old Roast Duck recommends that you compare it with your own transportation conditions. For example, if the test site in Yunnan is near your home or school, you should go there for the test. If you happen to be practicing in Guizhou, you should take the exam in Guizhou. In a word, finding a test site with convenient traffic conditions can reduce the fatigue of traveling, which can also improve your examination energy and should be state.

The above is the answer to the question "Is Yunnan IELTS better or Guizhou?" For more IELTS preparation content, please visit various sections of the official website of Old Roast Duck for in-depth study, or you can search on WeChat“ Roast Duck ”Follow the WeChat official account for exclusive test preparation materials and information. I wish everyone a smooth IELTS preparation!

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Yunnan IELTS or Guizhou: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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