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In May 2020, the IELTS test will be officially canceled. Although there have been various analyses before that that the IELTS test in May cannot be carried out normally, the official news [...]

The IELTS exam will be officially canceled in May 2020

Although there have been various analyses before that that the IELTS exam in May could not be carried out normally, I believe that everyone has some expectations like the editor before getting the official news. Even today, when the IELTS official did not announce the cancellation of the exam in the morning as usual, I thought that the exam in May could go on normally. Unexpectedly, those who should come will always come. In the afternoon, BC announced the relevant news. Although time and time again we have been provoked by the hope of exam recovery and defeated by the cold reality, we still pray that the epidemic will pass quickly and everything will return to normal.

The specific contents of the notice are as follows:

According to the arrangement of the Ministry of Education for the prevention and control of COVID-19, the Ministry of Education Test Center and the British Council of Culture and Education will cancel all kinds of IELTS tests in mainland China in May 2020 as required, and the test fees will be fully refunded to the candidates' individual registration accounts. We always regard ensuring the health and safety of examinees and examinees as the first priority. In view of the uncertainty of the spread of the epidemic, the British Council and Education Association will continue to follow the instructions of the Chinese government on epidemic prevention, maintain close communication with relevant departments, and ensure that the examination can be resumed as soon as conditions permit.

We will continue to provide high-quality test preparation resources for examinees, and try our best to meet the needs of the majority of examinees after the re examination.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the cancellation of this exam, and thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this difficult time.

 Official Notice on Cancellation of IELTS Test in May 2020

Of course, when the IELTS exam cannot be carried out, you should not relax your review plan, especially for subjects that are difficult to attack, such as oral and writing. You can visit the Spoken IELTS Plate and IELTS Writing In depth learning of the module.

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The IELTS exam will be officially cancelled in May 2020: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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