IELTS 6 test 3 section 1 Listening original text and answers opening a bank account [...]

IELTS 6 test 3 section 1 Listening original text and answers opening a bank account

This IELTS Listening Section 1 is the only bank scenario in all the Cambridge IELTS authentic books so far, but the bank scenario is a relatively common content in the real exam, so the vocabulary of all kinds of accounts and related materials involved in it needs to be mastered by everyone( IELTS Test Preparation Listening Comprehension 6 test 3 section 1 IELTS Listening High Frequency Vocabulary )。

The fallible points are mainly question 2 and 10. The month of question 2 is expressed in figures, and the speed of speaking is fast, so it is easy to be unable to respond. Question 10 is too close to question 9 and easy to miss. If you have been reading the articles in this series, you will find that this is a very common test method in IELTS.

Click to view the corresponding answer analysis of IELTS listening: Answers to Section 1 of IELTS 6Test3 Listening

Sword 6 test 3 Section 1 IELTS Listening original text

PIETER:                   Good morning. I’d like to open a bank account, please.

WOMAN:                 Certainly. If you’d like to take a seat, I’ll just get some details from you. It won’t take long.

PIETER:                   Thanks.

WOMAN:                 Is it a current account or a deposit account you wanted?

PIETER:                   A current account.    Example

WOMAN:                 Right. I’ve got the application form here then. We have different types – I see you’ve got our leaflet there.

PIETER:                   I’ve decided on the one called ‘ Select .’    Q1

WOMAN:                 Right, that’s fine, so, first of all, can I have your full name please?

PIETER:                   Yes, it’s Pieter Henes. That’s P-I-E-T-E-R.

WOMAN:                 Is it H-E-double N-E-S?

PIETER:                   Uh, only one N actually. It’s a less common spelling of the name.

WOMAN:                 Oh, right. OK. And what’s your date of birth please?

PIETER:                   The twenty-seventh of the first, nineteen seventy-three Q2

WOMAN:                 Right. And will this be a joint account?

PIETER:                   No, just myself.

WOMAN:                 OK, fine. And where are you living, Mr Henes?

PIETER:                   15, Riverside .       Q3

WOMAN:                 Is that all one word?

PIETER:                   Yes.

WOMAN:                 Exeter?

PIETER:                   Yes.

WOMAN:                 HOW long have you been at your present address? Er, is it more than two years?

PIETER:                   Ah, just two weeks actually. I only arrived in the country a month ago. I’m from Holland.    Q4

WOMAN:                 Oh, that’s fine. But we normally ask for a previous address in that case.

PIETER:                   Oh yes, well, it’s Rielsdorf 2. That’s R-I-E-L S-D-O-R F 2, Utrecht.

WOMAN:                 Holland. OK. Thank you. Do you have a daytime telephone number?

PIETER:                   Yes, I think the number at my office is six oh-six-two nine-five. Um, just a minute, I’d better check. Oh, no sorry, six-one-six . I’m not used to it yet. Would you like my home number too?     Q5

WOMAN:                 Yes please.

PIETER:                   It’s seven-nine-six four-three one.

WOMAN:                 Are they both local numbers?

PIETER:                   Yes.


WOMAN:                 Right. And your occupation?

PIETER:                   Well, I’m in Britain as a project manager, but that’s not my main job. I’m an engineer by profession.        Q6

WOMAN:                 I see. I think I’ll put that then. It’s shorter! Now we usually ask for a piece of information which we can use to check your identity, for security reasons. You know, if you phone us.

PIETER:                   Like, erm, my wife’s first name?

WOMAN:                 Mother ‘s might be better. It’s less likely to be known.     Q7

PIETER:                   OK. Hers is Siti.

WOMAN:                 Siti?

PIETER:                   Yes, S-I-T-I. It’s Indonesian.

WOMAN:                 Fine. And how much would you like to open your account with? We usually ask for a minimum sum of £50. That’s about €75.

PIETER:                   Well, I’m going to transfer €2,000 from my Dutch account, just till I get paid. In fact, I wanted to ask you about that. What’s the best way to do it?     Q8

WOMAN:                 It depends which bank you’re with.

PIETER:                   It’s the Fransen Bank in Utrecht.

WOMAN:                 OK, fine. I’ll check that in a minute. If we have links with them we can do a direct transfer. But it’s not a big problem either way. Um, let’s see. How often would you like to receive statements?

PIETER:                   I haven’t really thought. Um, what’s the usual thing?

WOMAN:                 It’s up to you. Some people like them weekly.

PIETER:                   Oh, no, that’s too often. Can I have them sent, Mm, once a month ?      Q9

WOMAN:                 Yes, that’s fine. Is there anything else?

PIETER:                   I was thinking of registering for your internet service at some stage.    Q10

WOMAN:                 Oh, yes. Would you like me to send you information about that?

PIETER:                   Please, yes.

WOMAN:                 And would you like to receive information about the bank’s other services – insurance, loans, anything like that?

PIETER:                   Hmm, I don’t think so, thanks.

WOMAN:                 That’s OK then. And one last thing, if you agree…

Jian 6 test 3 Section 1 IELTS Listening Answers

1. Select

2. 21.1.1973

3. 15 Riverside

4. 2 weeks

5. 616295

6. engineer

7. mother

8. 2000

9. month

10. internet

Cambridge IELTS 6 test 3 passage 2

Cambridge IELTS 6 test 3 Section 3 Listening text and answers

Cambridge IELTS 6 test 3 Section 4 Listening text and answers

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