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The first part of listening memory: fill in the blanks. The company will hold an annual meeting. The organizer will contact 1 Screen screen, Cambridge IELTS 7-2-2 and 8 - [...]

Auditory recall

Part I: Fill in the blanks. The company will hold an annual meeting and the organizer will contact the place

1. Screen screen, both in Cambridge IELTS 7-2-2 and 8-2-1, is one of the common words in IELTS listening test

2. Manager, although not in the answer of Cambridge IELTS, but in the original text of 6-3-1

3. Cooking. Although there is no original word in Cambridge IELTS, there is a cookie on 10-4-1

4. Forest, Cambridge IELTS 5-4-1 and 9-3-1 have appeared, and the trap is fo re The syllable of re in the middle of st is weak

5. June, July is one of the most popular places for Cambridge IELTS

6. rose rose, which appeared in the map question of Cambridge IELTS 8-4-2

7. Singer singer, Cambridge IELTS 8-1-1

8. Band, Cambridge IELTS 11-1-1

9. Friday, which is also one of the most common test points of Cambridge IELTS

In general, the words in the first part of the test are not difficult, and they all appeared in the Cambridge IELTS. In addition, this scene is not strange. Cambridge IELTS 4-4-1 and 11-1-1 are similar topics. The former wants to organize a farewell party, while the latter wants to rent a room for the party.

Part II: Map question and matching question

11-13. Matching question

11. G

12.  A

13. T

14-20. Cartographic problem

14. D

15. F

16. H

17. E

18. C

19. B

20. E

Map questions and matching questions are frequent visitors in the second part, and they do not go beyond the scope too much. Generally speaking, map questions appear once a month, so students in later exams can temporarily ignore this type of questions.

Part III: Fill in the blanks. Students ask the teacher about changing their major.

21. Journalism. This major has not appeared in Cambridge IELTS, but the word "journal" appeared in the original listening text of 6-4-3

22. Business studies, Cambridge IELTS 7-3-1 The answer to the second question is this

23. Record records that this word has both verb and noun parts of speech, and the pronunciation of the two words is inconsistent

24. Review: This is the answer to questions 26 of Cambridge IELTS 6-2-3

25. Preparation. This word often appears in the original listening text of Cambridge IELTS, but most of it is the verb prepare

26. Support: This is the answer to 30 questions of Cambridge IELTS 5-3-3 and 26 questions of 9-3-3

27. Background reading: two words often appear separately in the original listening text, but they are not combined

28. On the website, the word often appears in the original listening text of IELTS Jianqiao, and the example given in the official guide has tested this word

29. February 17, a common monthly examination site, is one of the most wrong months, especially in bruna

30. Senior advisor, both of whom are frequent visitors in the original listening text, but they do not often appear as answers

The scene in this part is still for students and teachers to discuss problems. It is one of the most common scenes in the third part of Cambridge IELTS. You should be familiar with roast duck. As far as words are concerned, although some words that are not often used as answers are tested, they are generally not difficult.

Part IV: Fill in the blank, choose and match, the garment industry changes with the development of industry

31.1.5 Million 1.5 million. This number has two pronunciations: one million and five hundred thousand thousand or a million and a half. The latter is more likely.

32. Ms. women, the answer to question 39 of Cambridge IELTS 10-2-4 is this word

33. Outdoor, the answer to question 19 of Cambridge IELTS 4-3-2 is this word

34. Production is a noun that has passed the test of reproduction in Cambridge IELTS 10-1-1

35. B

36. A

37-40 matching questions

37. Technologist: the trend of textile development

38. Operation manager: responsible for handling complaints

39. merchandiser: control the quantity of goods

40. Select the one displayed in the window

The fourth part is more difficult. There are two types of questions: selection and matching. Generally, the fourth part is mainly about filling in the blank, and occasionally some choices are made. Except for the fourth set of questions of Cambridge IELTS 8 and the second set of questions of Cambridge IELTS 8, there is no matching.

Reading memories

The first article: New Zealand's timber industry

Article 2: Coral reef related content

Article 3: Travel Notes

Writing Memory

Short composition: I took a rare map test. Compare the difference between the layout of the first floor of the library in 1995 and the present

Big composition: People used to stay in one place all their lives, but now they can live in many places all their lives. What is the reason for this trend? Is this trend good or bad?




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Answers to the IELTS written test on April 20, 2017: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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