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In March 2020, Macao IELTS test will be launched! The latest news of the Old Roast Duck IELTS is that the Macao region started the IELTS examination in March. Due to the recent epidemic [...]

In March 2020, Macao IELTS test will be launched!

The latest news of the Old Roast Duck IELTS is that the Macao region started the IELTS examination in March. Due to the recent epidemic situation, the IELTS test has been suspended in mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and other regions. However, the good news is that starting from the test on March 5, IELTS Macau can start to book.

For those roast ducks who are in urgent need of taking the IELTS test and submitting their IELTS scores to the application school, they may consider going to Macao to take the IELTS test.

How much is the exam fee of IELTS Macau?

The current IELTS application fee in Macao is MOP 2450.

Where is the specific test site of IELTS Macao?

You can view the article《 Macao IELTS Test Center 》Get detailed information about Macao IELTS test sites.

The above is the detailed information about the Macao IELTS test in March 2020. For more information about preparing for the IELTS test, you can visit various sections such as listening, speaking, reading and writing on the official website of Old Roast Duck for in-depth study. At the same time, you can also follow the official account of Old Roast Duck IELTS for exclusive internal information and the latest information. I wish you all good protection during the epidemic, refueling for the test, and get the ideal IELTS score as soon as possible!

 Old Roast Duck IELTS Official Account
Fixed link of this article: |Old Roast Duck IELTS - Focus on IELTS preparation

In March 2020, the Macao IELTS test will be launched!: Waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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