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The number of correct IELTS listening scores is 6. According to the IELTS listening scoring standard, the number of correct questions corresponding to 6 scores is 23-26. Yes, you are right! My IELTS is [...]

How many IELTS listening scores are 6

according to IELTS listening scoring criteria The number of correct questions corresponding to 6 points is 23-26. Yes, you are right! My IELTS is such a maverick, stand out from the crowd, and disdain to adopt the same scoring method as other exams. The IELTS listening score of 6 is not a specific number of questions, but a range. In other words, everyone has the same effect on 23, 25 and 26. And because the IELTS exam does not send back the test papers or tell everyone what's wrong, we can't actually know how many questions we got right.

How many questions should each part answer to achieve IELTS listening score of 6?

First, Section 1 (now renamed Part 1). As the simplest part of IELTS listening, it is our best chance to score. If you want to get 6 points in IELTS listening, you'd better be able to answer more than 8 questions in this part.

Next are Section 2 and Section 4. The reason why they are put together is that their scoring difficulty is similar. Although the audio of Section 2 is relatively simple, the questions mainly focus on selection and matching, which is easy to be confused. Although Section 4 audio is the most difficult, the article from IELTS Roast Duck basically uses the way of filling in the blank, so the difficulty of solving is smaller. Taking these two parts into consideration, you need to answer more than 6 questions.

The last is Section 3, the most difficult part of IELTS listening. Not only is the listening passage more complex, but also the selection and matching will dig holes and set traps. It sounds like students with 6 points are basically confused. But because it is a multiple choice question, we can always cover it. This part needs to answer more than three questions.

Thus, 8+6+6+3 is exactly 23. But in the real exam, for one reason or another, everyone's performance is always worse than when they do it themselves. Therefore, when we do the Cambridge IELTS test, we'd better achieve a score of 6.5 or 7. IELTS Listening 6.5

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