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Why did you choose to study th [...]

Spoken IELTS Part 1 Answer analysis of model text: study learning

Why did you choose to study that subject? / Why did you choose to study those subjects? Why did you choose this subject? Why study these subjects?

(History)The reason why I study history is that I’ve found history is not only a record of something happened in the past but also very educational for the future development of human beings. For instance, we can definitely learn some wisdom that’s concluded by our ancestors from some big events and use it to guide our lives.

The reason why I chose History is that I found that history is not only a record of what happened in the past, but also has educational significance for human development. For example, we can definitely learn from the wisdom of the ancients in big events, and then use these wisdom to guide our life.

Is it very interesting? Is it interesting?

Yes, it is. Sometimes reading history is like reading a novel. You might not know what would happen until it was unveiled. But, this article is from Laokaoya website, what is more interesting is that the events that happened in history are worth studying. They give me wisdom and warn us that we should not follow the same disastrous road to ruin.

Yes, sometimes reading history is like reading a novel. You may not know what will happen until history is revealed. But what is more interesting is that historical events are worth studying. They gave me wisdom and warned us not to repeat the mistakes.

What subject(s) are you studying? What subjects are you currently studying?

I’m a science student. So, I’m currently studying Maths, Physics, and Biology as my major subjects. Also, I did some selective courses like French and Economics.

I am a science student, so I now take mathematics, physics and biology as my main subjects. At the same time, I also choose some elective courses such as French and economics.

Do you prefer to study in the mornings or the afternoons? Do you like to study in the morning or in the afternoon?

I prefer to study in the afternoons because I am more energetic then. Although the morning is good for me to memorize something, I often can’t manage to get up early.

I tend to study in the afternoon, because I am more energetic in the afternoon. Although it's convenient for me to remember things in the morning, I often can't get up in the morning.

Are you looking forward to working? Are you looking forward to work?

No, I don’t. I know from the daughters and sons of my parent’s friends that working is really hard, which gives them little time to take a rest. Plus, working means having more responsibilities. You can’t do things whenever you want.

No, I'm looking forward to working. I learned from my parents' friends' children that work is difficult and there is almost no time to rest. In addition, work means more responsibilities. You can't do things when you want to.

Do you like your subject? (why/why not?) Do you like your subjects? Why?

Yes, I do. I’m quite into history. In my opinion, history is a subject that teaches me how to become a rational person who I want to be. Plus, I love it because our teacher teaches it in a very interesting way.

Yes, I like history very much. In my opinion, history is a course to teach people to become more rational, which is exactly the kind of person I want to become. In addition, I like this course because our teachers teach it more interesting.

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Answer analysis of IELTS oral part 1: study study: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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