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Cambridge IELTS 12 test 6 passage 1 The risks agri in developing countries [...]

The risks agriculture faces in developing countries

Today, we will read the article on vocabulary to study the Cambridge IELTS 12 test 6 passage 1. This IELTS reading The theme of is the risks facing agriculture in developing countries. This paper first analyzes the differences between food production and other industries, points out that small farmers in developing countries face more risks, and then analyzes the causes of this problem and possible solutions. According to the convention, we summarize the vocabulary of IELTS reading test.

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The risks agriculture faces in developing countries

The risks agriculture faces in developing countries

Natural section A

Vulnerable adj. These two unique aspects distinguish food production from other industries.

Firmly established (attitude, belief). "At the same time, the global cultural values are actually based on food and agricultural systems.".

Natural section B

Volatility n. "Farmers everywhere are facing major risks, including extreme weather, long-term climate change, and price fluctuations in the market.".

Natural section C

Participant n. "Participants in the online debate believe that our biggest challenge is to solve the problems of the agricultural system.".

Dependency n. "They believe that the main factors of these problems are our dependence on fossil fuels and government policies".

Natural section D

Mitigate v. "Most experts call for more government intervention to reduce the risks faced by farmers.".

Storage n. "The government can reduce the risks faced by farmers by providing infrastructure articles, such as building water and food storage measures to reduce losses.".

Natural section E

Commentator n. "However, some commentators believe that cash subsidies to poor families may not necessarily translate into food security.".

Subsidy n. "In fact, research shows that 60% of subsidies do not fall on poor families, but on wealthy landlords and traders.".

Natural section F

Scheme n. "The financial subsidy plan will encourage the adoption of high input financial measures".

Transparency n. Transparency. "Many participants and commentators stressed that we need more transparency in the market to mitigate the impact of volatility.".

Natural section G

Variety n. "One solution is to increase the diversity of food planting to cope with new climate trends and extreme weather conditions".

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