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Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: Can IELTS Test Wear Blue Eyes? Recently, a small editor of Old Roast Duck IELTS received a [...]

Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: Can IELTS Wear Blue Eyes

Recently, the Old Roast Duck IELTS Editor received a very, very biased and interesting question from a young Roast Duck about carrying test items: "Excuse me, Old Roast Duck, can I wear my blue glasses to take the IELTS test? Thank you.". The interesting thing about this question is that many people do wear contact lenses to answer questions, but it is the first time to hear someone ask about the beauty pupil and the beauty pupil with various colors. Then, the old Roast Duck IELTS editor will give you a detailed explanation of the problem of colored pupils, hoping to help more roast ducks who have similar problems and plan to take the IELTS exam.

Answer: Generally, yes. 1. Under normal circumstances, you can wear a beautiful pupil to take an exam, or even take photos at the exam site. In this way, will the girls' photos on the transcripts look better? 2. If you wear a beautiful pupil, you can always wear it for the written and oral IELTS tests without being strongly required by the invigilator. If you want to be on the safe side, you can also ask the examiners to check your ID at the party at the entrance of the exam room. If they have no problem with the identification of the beauty pupil, they can take it down on the spot even if they think they are suspected of cheating. 3. In the case of an exam, there is no essential difference between blue and black beauty pupils, and the examiners will also treat them as beauty pupils. As far as the situation is concerned, the examination is not strict enough to completely prohibit the wearing of beauty pupils.

In addition, if you are not sure about the rules of the exam, you can spend a few minutes reading it before the exam《 Instructions for IELTS examinees 》To ensure that they meet the requirements of the exam.

The above is a question and answer about "Can I wear blue eyes for IELTS test?" For more information about IELTS test preparation guidance and test answers, please visit various sections of the official website of Old Roast Duck for in-depth study and follow the official WeChat account of Old Roast Duck to obtain first-hand IELTS test preparation materials and information. I wish everyone a smooth IELTS preparation!

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