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Many roast ducks often have such doubts when preparing for the IELTS listening test: although I heard the answer, I am not familiar with this word, can I write an abbreviation? Or [...]

Many roast ducks IELTS Listening In the process of preparing for the test, I often have such doubts: although I heard the answer, I am not familiar with this word, can I write an abbreviation? Or the answer in the back is in capital letters, and I write in lower case. Will points be deducted? Or the answer is plural and I write singular. Is it right? The following editor will answer these questions as a front-line teacher.

First, can words be abbreviated? The answer is no. The IELTS listening test emphasizes that what you hear is what you get, that is, you have to write what you hear. If the original listening text says the complete version, you must write the complete version. Of course, if what is originally said in the original listening is the abbreviation form (such as lab), there is no problem in writing abbreviations.

Second, will points be deducted if the case is incorrect? The answer is no. IELTS listening does not pay attention to capitalization. If the answer is station, you write Station, STATION, or station. Of course, except for words whose first letter must be capitalized, such as month, week, etc., spelling errors are seldom counted. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the case of ordinary words in the exam.

Third, is it the key to singular and plural? The answer is particularly critical. IELTS listening still attaches great importance to answering singular and plural questions. If "empty" is grammatically required to fill in a singular number, and you write a plural number, you must be wrong (or vice versa). Therefore, I hope you can pay more attention to whether there is an s at the end of the word when you do the exercises at ordinary times, and practice accordingly.

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Discrimination of rumors in IELTS listening: about capitalization, abbreviations and singular and plural: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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