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From January to April 2020, the IELTS Oral Test Bank, IELTS Oral Test Part 1, has been completed. From January to April 2021, the IELTS Oral Test Bank has been completed. Portal: 2 [...]

Answers to IELTS Speaking Part 1 of IELTS Speaking Question Bank from January to April 2020

From January to April 2021, the IELTS oral question bank has been completed January April 2021 IELTS Spoken Machine Scripts IELTS Spoken Part 1 Model

From January 2020, the topics of IELTS Oral Part 1 will undergo a wave of updating and replacement, which is often referred to as oral topic change. The question bank after this question change will be used until the end of April. It will be updated again in May. In order to help everyone better prepare for the exam, the old Roast Duck Editor has produced this IELTS Oral Part 1 question bank, and each question has given the corresponding model text for reference.

Although the title of Oral IELTS Part 1 is much simpler than that of Part 2 and Part 3, it should not be taken lightly. The answer in Part 1 is the initial impression of the examiners, which is related to the overall tone of the exam. If the performance is poor, it will not only affect your examination taking status, but also lower the score of the follow-up part. Please prepare carefully for the big housework.

It's not easy to be original. Please don't copy the articles of this website again by Shanghai New Channel, Beijing New Channel, IELTS, and other organizations

The following is The specific topics of part 1 of the IELTS oral question bank from January to April 2020, Click the corresponding title to view the corresponding questions and answers.

Portal: Answers to IELTS Speaking Part 2 of IELTS Speaking Question Bank from January to April 2020

Science class

Do you think science classes are important? Do you think science is important?

Did you have a science class in primary school or high school? Have you ever taken science classes in primary school or high school?

Do you like science class? Do you like science class?

What kind of science did you do at school? What kind of science classes do you have at school?


Did you like history when you were young? Did you like history when you were young?

When was the last time you read about history? When was the last time you read history?

Do you like history? Do you like history?

Have you ever been to historical museums? Have you ever been to the History Museum?


When you travel, do you like to live in hotels with scenic views? When you travel, do you like to stay in a hotel with scenery?

Is there good scenery in the cities? Is there any good scenery in the city?

Do you like to take pictures of good scenery with your smartphone? Why? Do you like taking good scenery with your smartphone? Why?

Is there good scenery in your hometown? Is there any good scenery in your hometown?


Do you like eating cakes? Do you like cakes?

Have you ever made cakes? Have you ever made a cake?

What desserts do Chinese people like? What desserts do Chinese like?

Do you like dessert? Do you like sweets?


Have you ever had art classes? Have you ever had an art class?

Is there any artwork on the wall in your room? Are there any artworks on the wall of your room?

Have you ever visited an art gallery? Have you ever visited a gallery?

Do you like art? Do you like art?


When was the last time you bought a pen or pencil? When was the last time you bought a pen or pencil?

Which do you use more often? Pen or pencil? Do you use a pen or pencil more often?

What do you think if someone gives you a pen or pencil as a present? What would you think if someone gave you a pen or pencil as a gift?

Do you usually use a pen or pencil? Do you often use a pen or pencil?

Spending time by yourself

How do you usually spend your time by yourself? What do you usually do when you are alone?

Do you like spending time by yourself? Do you like being alone?

What did you do last time you were by yourself? What did you do the last time you were alone?

Do you usually spend time by yourself? Do you often stay alone?


Do you think it is important to laugh with friends? Do you think it's important to laugh with friends?

Are you the kind of person who makes people laugh? Are you the kind of person who can make others laugh?

Do you like to watch movies or TV shows that make people laugh? Do you like watching funny movies or TV?

Do you usually make your friends laugh? Do you often make your friends laugh?

Water sports

Are water sports popular in China? Is water sports popular in China?

Have you done water sports? Have you ever played water sports?

What water sports do you like doing? What kind of water sports do you like?

What kind of water sports do you want to try? What kind of water sports do you want to try?


Do you think running is a good way to stay healthy? Do you think running is a good way to keep fit?

Do you like running? Do you like running?

Where do you usually go running? Where do you often run?

How often do you go for a run? How often do you run?


Are you good at math? Are you good at maths?

Do you usually use numbers? Do you usually use numbers?

Are you good at remembering phone numbers? Are you good at remembering phone numbers?

What is your favorite number? What's your favorite number

Park Park

Do you prefer natural parks or amusement parks? Do you like natural parks or amusement parks?

Do you think people like going to parks? Do you think people like going to the park?

What activities can be done in the park? What can we do in the park?

Do you often go to a park? Do you often go to the park?


Do you prefer a long break or several short breaks? Do you prefer long breaks or short breaks?

What do you usually do during a break? What do you often do during the rest?

Why do you need to take a break? Why do you need a rest?

How often do you take a break? How often do you take a break?

Work or Study

Why did you choose to do that type of work (or, that job)?

Do you miss being a student? Do you miss being a student?

Is it very interesting? Is it fun?

Do you like your job? Do you like your present job?

Why did you choose to study that subject? / Why did you choose to study those subjects? Why did you choose this subject? Why study these subjects?

Is it very interesting? Is it interesting?

What subject(s) are you studying? What subjects are you currently studying?

Do you prefer to study in the mornings or the afternoons? Do you like to study in the morning or in the afternoon?

Are you looking forward to working? Are you looking forward to work?

Do you like your subject? (why/why not?) Do you like your subjects? Why?

Home (your accommodation)

What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in? What kind of house do you live in?

Do you live in a house or a flat? Do you live in a flat or a single house?

What’s the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past? What's the difference between where you used to live and where you live now?

Can you describe the place where you live? Can you describe where you live?

Which room does your family spend most of the time in? Which house do you spend the most time with your family?

How long have you lived there? How long have you lived there?

What do you usually do in your house/flat/room? What do you usually do in your house/apartment/house?

Do you plan to live there for a long time? Do you plan to live there for a long time?

Are the transport facilities to your home very good? Do you have good transportation facilities?

Please describe the room you live in? Please describe your room.

Do you prefer living in a house or a flat? Do you prefer to live in an apartment or a detached house?

What part of your home do you like the most? What do you like about your family?


What’s the name of your hometown (again)? What's the name of your hometown?

Is that a big city or a small place? Is your hometown big or small?

How long have you been living there? How long have you lived in your hometown?

Do you like your hometown? Do you like your hometown?

Is there anything you dislike about it? Is there any place you don't like home?

What do you like (most) about your hometown? What do you like most about your hometown?

Do you like living there? Do you like living there?

Please describe your hometown a little?

Do you think you will continue living there for a long time? Do you think you will always live in your hometown?

The area you live in

Do you like the area that you live in? Do you like where you live?

What are some changes in the area recently? Has there been any major change near here recently?

Do you know any famous people in your area? Do you know any famous people around here?

Where do you like to go in that area? Where do you like to go in your area?

Jeans Jeans

Do you wear jeans? Do you wear jeans?

How often do you wear jeans? How often do you wear jeans?

Do you like wearing jeans, why? Do you like to wear jeans?

Why do you think jeans are popular? Why do you think jeans are so popular?


Have you ever had an unhappy haircut experience? Have you ever had an unpleasant haircut?

How long have you had your current haircut? How long have you kept your current hairstyle?

How often do you have a haircut? How often do you have your hair cut?

Do you like having your hair cut? Do you like haircuts?


Will you learn other languages in the future? Will you learn other languages in the future?

Do you think it is difficult to learn a new language? Do you think it is difficult to learn a new language?

What language can you speak? What language can you speak?

Why do you learn English? Why do you study English?


Where do you usually take a walk? Where do you usually take a walk?

Do you think people will walk more or not in the future? Do you think people will go more or less in the future?

Do you walk more often than in the past? Do you go more now than before?

Do you walk a lot? Do you walk a lot?


What do you need to be focused? What do you need to focus on?

What may distract you when you are trying to stay focused? What disturbs you when you try to concentrate?

What do you do to help you concentrate? What can you do to help you focus?

Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something? Is it hard to concentrate on something?


What is your favorite movie? What's your favorite movie?

Do your friends like this movie? Does your friend like this movie?

What kinds of movies do you think young people like? What kind of movies do you think young people will like?

Do you want to be a movie star? Do you want to be a movie star?


Have you ever kept pets? Have you ever had a pet?

Do you like to go to the zoo? Do you like going to the zoo?

Have you ever seen any wild animals before? Have you ever seen any wild animals?

What wild animal do you like most? What kind of wild animals do you like best?


Has your voice ever changed? Has your voice changed?

Do you enjoy recording your voice and listening to it? Do you like to record your voice and listen to it yourself?

Do you like your own voice? Do you like your voice?

Does your voice sound familiar to your parents’? Do you sound like your parents?


What do you think makes good friends? What do you think can make good friends?

Do you keep in contact with friends from your childhood? Are you still in touch with your childhood friends?

What kinds of people do you like to make friends with? What kind of people do you like to make friends with?

Do you think you are a good friend to others? Do you think you are a good friend to others?


Do you enjoy living in the countryside? Do you like living in the suburbs?

Will you live in the countryside in the future? Will you live in the countryside in the future?

What do you usually do in the countryside? What do you usually do in the suburbs?

Have you ever lived in the countryside? Have you ever lived in the countryside?

Tea and coffee

Do Chinese people like to drink tea or coffee? Do Chinese people like tea or coffee?

Do you prepare tea or coffee for the guests at home? Do you entertain guests with tea or coffee at home?

When was the last time you drank tea or coffee? When was the last time you had tea or coffee?


When do you listen to music? When do you listen to music?

How much time do you spend listening to music every day? How long do you spend listening to music every day?

What kinds of music do you like to listen to? What types of music do you usually listen to?

What’s your favorite kind of music? What kind of music do you like?

Have you ever been to a concert before? Have you ever been to a live concert?


Do you like to take photos? Do you like taking pictures?

Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people to take photos? Do you like to take photos by yourself or let others take photos?

How often do you take photos? How often do you take photos?

In what situations do you take photos? What occasions do you usually take photos?

How do you keep your photos? How do you save your photos?


Are you less or more patient when you are angry? When you are angry, are you more patient or impatient?

How do you feel when other people are not patient? How do you feel when others are impatient?

Were you patient when you were young? Were you patient when you were young?


What kind of cities do you like to travel to? What kind of cities do you like to travel to?

Do you like traveling? Are you fond of traveling?

Which cities have you traveled to? Which cities have you visited?

What is the place that left you the deepest impression when traveling? Which place impressed you most when traveling?

Public holiday

How many public holidays do you have in China? How many public holidays are there in China?

Do you think people need more public holidays? Do you think people need public holidays?

Which holiday is your favorite? Which festival is your favorite?

How do you usually spend your holidays? How do you usually spend your holidays?


Are there many street markets in China? Are there many street markets in China?

Do you often go to the supermarket? Do you often go to the supermarket?

What are the differences between street markets and supermarkets? What is the difference between a street market and a supermarket?

What do street markets sell? What do you sell in the market?


Common Q&A (Questions and Answers) related to the first part of the IELTS Speaking Test:

I have just started to prepare for IELTS Oral Part 1, and I am not familiar with the exam yet. How many questions will you have in this part of Roast Duck?

– This question is a little puzzle that many new roast ducks will have. You can click the previous question answer《 Speaking IELTS Part 1 will ask several questions 》To understand the specific situation.

Everyone said that the first part is an important foreshadowing for the next two parts. How many words should I say in this part of the exam?

– Students with different backgrounds and personalities will have some differences in the fullness of oral expression. However, IELTS, as a standardized language test, has its own fixed scoring standard, which will not change due to individual differences. You can check《 Speaking part 1 of IELTS is better 》To better understand how to play your level in this part.

The above is the detailed content of the IELTS Oral Part 1 question bank from January to April 2020. For more information about IELTS test preparation guidance, test answers, studying abroad and other contents, please visit all sections of the Old Roast Duck official website at any time to learn and follow the Old Roast Duck official account for the latest exam news. I wish you all good grades and offers as soon as possible!

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From January to April 2020, IELTS Spoken English Test Bank Part 1 Answer: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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