1000 Old Roast Duck IELTS Spoken Words: the meaning and usage of go to town slang

1000 Old Roast Duck IELTS Spoken Words Accumulation: the meaning and usage of go to town slang

Today, the Old Roast Duck IELTS Editor will share a slang related to town - go to town, hoping to help more roast ducks who are preparing for the IELTS oral test.

Town originally means small town. However, "go to town" does not mean literally (to go to a small town), but means to indulge oneself exhaustively; One explanation in the dictionary is to describe the expression as follows: do something thoughtfully, moderately, or extravagantly.

Let's look at the following examples:

The wedding was beautiful, they really went to town. Everything was decorated pink and white.

The wedding was very beautiful, and they (referring to the wedding planners) did their best. Everything was decorated in pink and white.

This is lovely food, they’ve really gone to town.

The food is great. They are really careful.

Then, if we want to describe a thing that we intend to do with our heart, we can also change expressions such as I really want to do it whole-heartedly to go to town

For example: I have lots of good ideas on organizing this event So, I’m really going to town.

I have many ideas about holding this event. So, I really plan to work hard.

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Well, the above is about the interpretation of the meaning and usage of go to town slang. For more information about preparing for the IELTS test and after the test or other information related to the application for studying abroad, please visit the official website of Old Roast Duck and the WeChat official account at any time to get the latest information and trends.


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IELTS colloquial vocabulary accumulation: go to town slang meaning and usage: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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