1000 Old Roast Duck IELTS Oral Vocabulary Accumulation: over the moon's meaning and usage In this column of Oral Vocabulary Accumulation, Old Roast Duck Ya [...]

Accumulation of 1000 Old Roast Duck IELTS Spoken Words: over the moon

In this column of oral vocabulary accumulation, the editor of Old Roast Duck IELTS will introduce an idiom of a relatively simple word (moon) in GSL vocabulary: over the moon. I hope it can help more roast ducks who are preparing for the IELTS oral test.

When moon is used as a noun, its original meaning is' moon 'or' moon '. In addition, it also has a part of speech verb that is unfamiliar to everyone, which means to be idle in a listless or dreamy way.

over the moon, It literally means above the moon; We are familiar with the phrase "over the rainbow". However, English users usually use over the moon to describe a person who is extremely happy and happy. Therefore, when we hear someone talking about another friend in our life, they say, "He's over the moon." Generally speaking, that friend should not be an astronaut who went to the moon or something like that. Instead, the speaker wanted to explain that the person was in a very good mood at this time, and felt good enough to fly to the moon.

In spoken IELTS, especially in Oral IELTS Part 2 In it, we can also use over the moon to describe the happy mood of people on a certain occasion. Topics such as: Describe a special day; Describe a time when you met someone for the first time.

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The above is about the meaning and usage of over the moon. For more information about English learning, IELTS test preparation and studying abroad, please visit the official website of Old Roast Duck and WeChat official account at any time to get the latest information.

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The meaning and usage of over the moon: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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