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IELTS Spoken Part 2 Topic Card: Describe a time you were sleepy but had to [...]

Spoken IELTS Part2 Topic Card: Describe a time you were sleepy but had to stay awake

Ideas: The following ideas are for reference only, and we hope you can write your answers according to your real experience

The difficulty coefficient of this question is moderate and close to life. It's time to fall asleep, but can't sleep. Many examinees who have been preparing for any exam suddenly have more or less similar experience. They often stay up late to learn more exam points and score points, but have to continue reading with tired eyes. In addition, it can also be some other scenes in life, such as driving, not sleeping well in the morning, and just on the highway. In order to be safe, I have to think of all kinds of ways to remind myself. I suggest you read the following questions first, then give yourself one minute to prepare and give an oral description, and then look at the reference answers for targeted exercises.


Describe a time you were sleepy but had to stay awake

You should say:

When it happened

Why you were sleepy

Why you had to stay awake

And explain why you stayed awake

Reference answer

Here are the original reference answers for the old roast duck editor according to the specific topic requirements:

Please do not plagiarize the articles on this website by Beijing New Channel, Shanghai New Channel, and Zhike Network.

Well, a time I felt drowsy but had to stay awake was actually when I was busy preparing for my final last year.

One time I felt sleepy but had to stay awake was when I was preparing for the final exam last semester.

I clearly remember that our history teacher helped us highlight a very wide range of categories regarding the world history on the textbook for us to memorize just three days before the exam. You know, this article is from Laokaoya website, we had mixed feelings during that time because we were happy that our teacher pointed out the essential part of knowledge that we were supposed to be tested and at the same time we felt it was nearly impossible to keep this vast amount of potential answers in our mind within three days.

I clearly remember that our history teacher helped us circle a wide range of key points about world history in our textbooks three days before the exam so that we can remember. We were in a complicated mood at that time, because we were very happy that the teacher had circled the key points of our examination. At the same time, it was almost impossible to remember so many potential answers in three days.

I was pumped up to cram for the exam at the very beginning, but then I got worn out and pretty drowsy during the last night because there’s so much to memorize and it consumed me a lot of energy. It’s just like running a 5k marathon, you know the ending is approaching but somehow you can’t resist the temptation to have a break. But, thank God that I stuck to it.

At that time, I had prepared for the exam like chicken blood at the beginning, but then on the last night, I was exhausted and very sleepy, because memory of so many things consumed me too much energy. It's the same as running a five thousand meter marathon. When you see the finish line, you will be close, but you can't help taking a nap. But thank God I kept going.

Well, the reason why I stayed awake was that this final meant so much to me. If I didn’t prepare wholeheartedly, I would have less possibility of getting admitted into a good college.

I stayed awake at that time, because that final exam was very important to me. If I can't devote myself to preparing, I will have fewer chances of getting admitted to the university.

Part 3 Additional questions

What kind of people lack sleep?

Why do people feel tired a lot nowadays?

How do people keep awake when they are tired?

What occasions do people need to keep awake even though they feel tired?

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Describe a time you were sleepy but had to stay awake!


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