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IELTS Spoken Part 2 Topic Card: Describe a film you would like to share wi [...]

Spoken IELTS Part2 Topic Card: Describe a film you would like to share with your friends

Ideas: The following ideas are for reference only, and we hope you can write your answers according to your real experience

This question belongs to the new question of this quarter and is closely related to life. We have seen many movies since we were young, so it is not difficult to share a favorite movie with friends. For example, classic movies such as "Little Soldier Zhang Ga", "Transformers", "Speed and Passion", "Harry Potter", or works of celebrities such as Stephen Chow and Jackie Chan. The old duck editor in IELTS reminds you that there is a small difficulty in this question. I wonder if the roast ducks have found it. Is any movie you want to share with your friends OK? For example, what if the other party has seen it? You don't have to struggle here. You don't have to be seen to share. Usually I have heard that friends like a movie and then do two or three strokes, which is also called sharing.


Describe a film you would like to share with your friends

You should say:

Where you watched it

What it was about

Who you watched it with

And explain why you want to share it with friends

Reference answer

Here are the original reference answers for the old roast duck editor according to the specific topic requirements:

Please do not plagiarize the articles on this website by Beijing New Channel, Shanghai New Channel, and Zhike Network.

A film I would like to share with my friends is actually Nezha, which is a newly released Chinese movie in this summer.

One movie I want to share with my friends is Nezha, the latest Chinese movie released this summer.

I watched it last Friday with my older brother at the Wanda Plaza Movie Theatre which is quite near to my house. We usually watch movies there to kill time.

I watched the film with my brother at Wanda Cinema not far from home last Friday. We often go there to watch movies to kill time.

This movie was mainly about a story of a Chinese legendary mythical figure named Nezha. He was chosen to be a reincarnation of a good spirit. However, this article is from Laokaoya website, it was replaced with the evilest spirit when he was born. The movie mainly depicted what his life in the human world was like and how he fought against his destiny.

The film mainly tells about a legendary Chinese mythological figure - Nezha. He was chosen as the reincarnation of a decent soul, but was switched by the most evil soul when he was born. This film mainly describes his life on earth and how to fight against fate.

Well, the reason why I want to recommend this movie to my friends is that it gives us some positive energy about life. You know, maybe we all have our own destinies. However, there are still some parts of our lives that can be changed to be good if our minds are set to be so. Another reason why I would like to share it with my friends is that this Chinese animation is of good quality and worth watching.

The reason why I recommend this movie to my friends is that it conveys positive energy in life to people. Maybe we are all destined, but there are still some parts of our life that can be changed for the better by our will. Another reason why I want to share this movie with my friends is that the quality of this Chinese cartoon is very good and worth watching.

Part 3 Additional questions

What kind of film is popular in China?

What kinds of films do young people like to watch?

Do fewer people choose to watch movies in the cinema than people did in the past?

Do you think cinemas will disappear in the future?

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IELTS Oral Part 2 Topic Card: Describe a film you would like to share with your friends!


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