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The summary of vocabulary replacement in IELTS short composition is simpler and more obvious than that in big composition. But it also has its own difficulties [...]

Summary of vocabulary replacement in the IELTS essay

Although compared with the big composition, the idea of IELTS writing small composition is simpler and the routine is more obvious. But it also has its own difficulties, that is, words and sentence patterns are easy to repeat, and it is easy to deduct points due to overuse of a certain word. Just imagine that the trend of chart change is nothing more than rising and falling and being flat. How many tricks can you tell? In order to solve this problem, Old Roast Duck has collected some replacement words commonly used in IELTS writing essays for your reference.

1. Describe the change trend

Indicates rise: increase, go up, rise up, grow, jump, surge, shoot up, keep an upward tendency, rocket, soar

Indicates descent: decrease, go down, decline, fall down, sink, dip, keep a downward tendency, plummet, plunge, drop

Indicates fluctuation: fluctuate

Indicates flat or stable: remain the same, stabilize, remain stable, remain constant

Modification range: Slightly, slowly, gradually, steadily, rapidly, moderately, significantly, abruptly, dramatically, dramatically, rapidly.

2. Describe extreme value

the peak: Reach the peak, arrive at the highest point, reach the top (reach can be replaced by increase or rise)

Lowest point: Reach the bottom, drop to the lowest point

The largest proportion: Occupancy the largest promotion of (occupancy can be replaced by make up, take up, account for, and promotion can be replaced by number, percentage)

Smallest proportion: occupy the smallest proportion of

3. Represent multiple


Increase three times

Twice as many as

Three times big than

4. It means about

about, around, approximately, roughly, just over, just under

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