The application for the publication of the 2020CWUR World University Ranking Form refers to the latest report of the front line of the Old Roast Duck IELTS. CWUR's full English name is The Centre [...]

Application Reference for Publishing the 2020CWUR World University Ranking Form

According to the latest report of the front line of the Old Roast Duck IELTS, CWUR's full English name is The Center for World University Rankings (World University Ranking Center), which announced the world university ranking data from 2019 to 2020. Although this CWUR does not have QS World University Rankings or US News World University and Major Ranking High popularity, but also a reference source for applicants.

This list selects 2000 universities from more than 20000 colleges and universities around the world. The main scoring criteria are as follows:

  1. Educational quality
  2. Employment of graduates
  3. the quality of staff
  4. publication
  5. effect
  6. Citation of research papers
  7. Research results

Overall, among the top 30 universities in the world, the United States has 21, the United Kingdom has 4, Canada has 2, Japan has 2, and Switzerland has 1. Harvard has been ranked first in the world for eight consecutive years.

The list of the world's top 100 universities is as follows:

 2020CWUR Top 100 Universities in the World

 2020CWUR World University Ranking List

 2020CWUR World University Ranking

Forty one universities and institutions in China have entered the world's top 500 in this list. In the top 100, we can see three mainland Chinese universities, namely Peking University, ranking 59, Tsinghua University, ranking 70, and Chinese Academy of Sciences, ranking 96. Taiwan University in Taiwan is ranked 75th in the world.

The above is the ranking of the 2020CWUR world universities. For more information about college applications and IELTS test preparation guidance, please keep an eye on the latest developments on the official website of IELTS for Roast Duck and WeChat. I wish you all an ideal OFFER as soon as possible!

 Old Roast Duck IELTS Official Account
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Application reference for publishing the 2020CWUR World University Ranking Form: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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