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What are the reactions of the IELTS Oral 6 Examiner? Although the score of the IELTS speaking test has always been metaphysical, only when you open the website to check the score can you really know from [...]

What are the reactions of the IELTS Oral 6 Examiner?

Although the scoring of the IELTS Speaking Test has always been metaphysical, only when you open the website to check your scores can you really know your performance in the examiner's mind. But from the clues reflected by the examiner in the examination room, we can still roughly know what we said. So what are the reactions of the IELTS speaking 6 examiners?

First of all, the examiner will listen to your answers carefully without distraction. Candidates with a score of 6 can basically express their views clearly. Although there will be repetition and stumbling, it will not affect the general understanding. Therefore, the examiners can completely follow everyone's thinking, and will not be distracted because they do not know what the examinees are saying.

Secondly, the examiner will smile, nod, or frown. All these actions indicate that the examiner understands what you are saying. Smiling or nodding may be more agreement with your point of view, while frowning may be against what you are saying, not necessarily that you think what you are saying is bad.

Third, although the examiner will interrupt, he or she will not repeat the question or ask whether you understand the question. In fact, the time for the oral test is very tight. In order to ensure that the test is completed within the specified time, the examiner will interrupt once you say more. This will not affect your scores. However, if the examiner retells the question or further explains the question, it means that he thinks you have not answered the question.

Fourth, the examiner will not encourage you to continue talking. That is, the examiner feels that your answers are enough to show your own level. No further guidance is needed.

Fifth, the examiner in Part 3 will ask some abstract and difficult questions. The goal is not to make it difficult for you, but to test the maximum score you can achieve. So you just have to do your best. Don't affect your own level because of your mentality.

However, these signs can only be used to speculate about everyone's performance, and cannot really be used as a scoring standard. Just look at it as a reference.

What is the IELTS 6 score

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What are the reactions of the IELTS speaking 6 examiners?: Waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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