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Analysis of IELTS Oral Part One: Teacher's questions related to teachers in IELTS Oral P1 have lasted for a long time, but not very frequently [...]

Spoken IELTS Part One: Teacher

The number of teacher related questions in the IELTS Speaking P1 test has been long, but not very frequent, so the frequency is normal. Just prepare for the exam normally. See how to prepare with the old roast duck.

What kinds of teachers do you like best?

What kind of teacher do you like best?

I love those teachers who can patiently explain the things that I can’t comprehend. Because I always felt unconfident when I misunderstood something. So a good teacher to need can help me out in this trouble.

Who was your favorite teacher when you were young?

When you were young, what kind of teacher did you like best?

When I was young, I especially loved teachers who were very funny or humorous. It’s not the knowledge they passed me that made me feel the subject they taught is interesting but you know it’s the personality that stimulated my interest for my study.

When I was young, I liked teachers who were funny or humorous. At that time, it was not a certain knowledge point that made me interested in this subject, but the teacher's personality that made me interested in learning.

Speaking of subject knowledge, I wonder what topic card the examiner will take? You must check " Describe an English lesson you had

Would you want to be a teacher in the future?

Do you want to be a teacher in the future?

No, honestly speaking, I don’t want to become a teacher. Because my mother is a teacher who has a lot of teaching to do. This article is from laokaoya website. You know to become a teacher means to undertake a lot of responsibilities for a number of students and plus the pressure goes on especially you want to help every student get improvement.

Have you ever had bad teachers before?

Have you ever met a bad teacher?

I once have an experience of meeting a bad teacher who was teaching me P.E course. It's not the knowledge that made me feel unprofessional but because of his personality and behavior

Of course, not only with the teacher's education, the examiner may give you a topic card to invite you Describe an experience that you taught a friend or a relative (Click to view).

Click to view January April 2019 IELTS Oral Test Bank Part 1 Answers to other questions

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Teacher: I'm waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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