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The IELTS G-type letter writing model works as a volunteer to help the community This G-type immigrant letter writing is related to social volunteers, which is a very common life in European and American society [...]

IELTS G-type letter writing model as a volunteer to help the community

This G immigration letter is related to social volunteers, which is one of the most common life topics in European and American society. No matter students at school or people who have already taken part in work, they have more or less experience of participating in community volunteers (volunteers). Even in many Commonwealth countries and the United States, a certain number of volunteer hours are required in the social practice syllabus of middle schools.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task

You have been doing some voluntary work to help your local community. How, now you are unable to continue doing this work. However, you can no longer participate in this activity.

Write a letter to the manager of the organization where you have been working. In your letter:

  • Describe the work you have been doing
  • Explain why you can no longer do this work
  • Recommended another person who is interested in the work

Write at least 150 words

Refer to the model text (it is suggested that you write your own exercise first according to the topic requirements, and then learn from the model text):

Dear Mr Patrick,

I am a cadet in your community-based rehabilitation team and I have been with this group since 2016. I regret to inform you that I will not be able to continue with your organisation effective from 1st December 2019 as I am leaving for my home country once and for all.

I am a team trainer of your community rehabilitation center. I have joined this team since 2006. I regret to tell you that since I will return to my motherland forever, I will not be able to continue to serve in the organization from December 1, 2009.

It has been a wonderful journey for me so far. I was predominantly working with the rehabilitation team, assisting the medical panel of experts as a volunteer doctor. This article is from Laokaoya website. My duties mainly comprised of the initial assessment of patients, who are from the indigent part of our local community. The assessment mainly included monitoring the physical, social and emotional wellness of them.

So far it has been a wonderful journey for me. I have been working for the rehabilitation team as a volunteer doctor to assist the medical expert group. My main job is to preliminarily test patients from poor families in the community. The detection work mainly includes physical, social and emotional aspects.

As you may remember, I was pursuing my postgraduation at Boston University. Now that my study permit has expired, I am preparing to leave for my home country in a couple of weeks. Henceforth, can no longer work for the team I had been a part of.

Maybe you still remember that I was studying as a graduate student at Boston University at that time. Now my study permit has expired, and I am preparing to leave and return to my motherland in a few weeks. So I can't continue to work as a member of the team.

However, it would be my pleasure, to introduce one of my fellow students in college. He is willing to take over my position in the team. His name is Jackson Dave and he will be in contact with you soon.

However, I am very honored to introduce one of my junior students in the university. He has the idea of taking over my job. Her name is Jackson Dave, and he will contact you soon.

Once again, I would take this opportunity to thank everyone who stood beside me during my work with the group. I wish every success of the organisation.

Again, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who helped me during the team work. I wish the organization every success.

Sincerely yours,


Joe Smith

In addition, there is another letter related to organizational activities that can also be learned at the same time → Letter of congratulations on the event

The above is Class G of this issue IELTS Writing I hope it can help more IELTS roast ducks who are preparing for the exam. Please keep an eye on the latest test preparation news on the official website of the old roast duck and WeChat.

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IELTS G-type letter writing model text volunteer to help the community: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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