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The order of written IELTS test is adjusted. The order of listening, reading and writing is changed. The front line report of the old roast duck IELTS editor is unexpectedly received from the official IELTS test in South Korea and Japan today [...]

The written test order of IELTS is adjusted. The listening, reading and writing order is changed

According to the frontline report of the Old Roast Duck IELTS Editor, an unexpected email was received from the IELTS test authorities in South Korea and Japan today. From April 13, 2019, the current written IELTS test sequence (listening → reading → writing) will undergo a new adjustment. However, the content time length and overall time length of all three small parts will not change.

The official English letter is as follows:

Due to the IELTS regulation, the order of the written tests will be changed as from 13th April, 2019 to the following;

Writing→ Reading→ Listening

The duration of each component will remain the same and this change will apply for both Academic and General Training Module.

Thank you so much for your registration for IELTS test.

The changed order will become IELTS writing → IELTS reading → IELTS listening; In this way, listening will change from the original first part to the last item of the exam; In the written test, the most difficult writing will be put in the first place, and the reading order will not change. This change is not only for Class A exam, but also for the order of Class G exam.

In fact, before this notice, the IELTS test room in Australia has been notified and adjusted. Now several Asia Pacific regions are also beginning to change. However, the Chinese mainland has not yet received the exact news of the change of the written examination. However, according to the analysis of Xiaobian, this change should come in the near future. Therefore, if you feel you are used to the current order, I suggest you hurry up your preparation and take the exam as soon as possible.

 The sequence of IELTS test changes

For the change of the examination order, some people think it is good, and some people feel they are not used to it. Many people regard listening as a relaxing item (actually it is not easy and needs to be concentrated). Now it is good and put it at the end. Some people say that putting writing first is conducive to sorting out ideas.

If writing is adjusted to the first, will listening be greatly affected? Neither, as long as you practice listening and review carefully before the exam《 Vocabulary must be memorized in IELTS listening 》At least you won't lose a lot of marks in the listening test, which will bring a satisfactory end to the exam.

However, in any case, we can't decide the order of the exam, we can only comply with other people's regulations, so the only thing we can do is to become more familiar with the exam process and content, and meet the exam with the best preparation and best attitude.

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The order of IELTS test is adjusted. The order of listening, reading and writing is changed: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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