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If there are many grammatical errors in IELTS Oral Part3, are they serious? A considerable number of roast ducks are very, very worried about their part of IELTS Oral Part3 [...]

Is there a serious problem if there are many grammatical errors in IELTS Oral Part 3

A considerable number of roast ducks are very, very worried about their part of IELTS Oral Part 3; Because that part of the examiners will casually ask some questions. If they are not prepared, they are likely to make many grammatical errors. If there are many grammatical errors in the third part of IELTS oral English, is this a big problem? Today, the old teacher of IELTS will give you a detailed answer to this question, hoping to help more candidates who are preparing for the IELTS exam.

First of all, can you make grammatical mistakes in part 3 of IELTS spoken English?

This question has already been answered by Old Roast Duck before. For a standardized English language detection system, grammar must be one of the important reference indicators for examinees to check their English level. Please refer to the article《 Should we pay attention to grammatical errors when speaking in IELTS 》Most of the examinees need to study abroad, so the requirements for grammar are different at different levels.

Secondly, if there are too many grammatical mistakes, they will be scary to listen to. Will there be problems?

There will indeed be some problems==; First of all, if you think there are too many grammatical errors, you will be involuntarily afraid. The first thing that will affect the current oral performance, especially the fluency will be greatly reduced. Secondly, too many grammatical errors may also affect the examiner's understanding of your thought expression. If there is a problem in understanding, that is, unclear expression, the score will also be greatly affected.

Is there any way?

There must be some methods; If you know your own problems before you go to the examination room, then the best solution is to suit the situation. For example, if you are not familiar with the grammar structure, you should learn it well. If you are not proficient in the basic part of speech, you should at least understand the most basic GSL vocabulary wait. What if the exam is coming and there is no time for such systematic tutoring? So putting your mind in the examination room and taking some targeted plans can still help. For example, the teacher of Old Roast Duck IELTS often tells students to relax when giving model exams in class. If you really forget or can't remember the expression of a specific grammar rule, don't pay too much attention to it. Please ensure your fluency and use relatively simple and understandable sentences: for example, if you can't be brave enough to use attributive clauses, Please use simple structure instead. In this way, at least you won't lose your due score because of your wrong expression.

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If there are many grammatical errors in IELTS Oral Part 3, is it serious: wait for you to sit on the sofa!


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