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How to major in economics at Durham University IELTS score requirements for economics at the University of Durham [...]

What is the IELTS requirement for economics major in Durham University

Durham University BA Economics of the University of Durham is a three-year full-time undergraduate program. This major focuses on the basic theories and relevant knowledge of economics to help students achieve professional success in this competitive field. It will enable students to deeply understand all aspects of the subject from the historical and modern, domestic and international perspectives.

Introduction to Economics

In the first year, in addition to compulsory courses, students need to choose three elective courses from a series of economic courses, and have the opportunity to take a course from another college (such as language).

The compulsory course of the second year focuses on the core issues in the field of economics. As in the first year, students can choose a variety of elective courses. At the same time, in the third semester of the academic year, students will have the opportunity to continue their studies at the University of Pisa in Italy. But before starting, you need to complete five courses.

In the third year, students need to complete their dissertations in order to deeply analyze their selected research issues. In addition, students also need to take four courses related to economics.

IELTS requirements for economics majors

Students applying for the economics major of Durham University should have a total IELTS score of 6.5 and no lower than 6.0 for each item. Click to view: What is IELTS 6.5? How difficult is IELTS 6.5

Economics tuition

The annual tuition fee for UK and EU students is 9250 pounds, while that for Chinese students and other international students is 20250 pounds.

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