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Whether IELTS writing agrees or not Art movement and music courses are important Today, we will study art by writing a model essay on IELTS writing [...]

Whether IELTS writing agrees or not, whether art sports and music courses are important

Today we IELTS Writing This article is a model essay to study whether art, sports and music courses should disappear from school subjects, so as to make room for new technical courses. The importance of each subject is a problem that often arises when IELTS writing is taken into education. Ask whether art, history or other humanities are no longer important, and whether students should mainly study engineering related or information technology related subjects. Old Roast Duck has collected a related high score model essay for your reference.

Title of IELTS Writing Composition

Subjects such as Art, Sport, and Music are being dropped from the school curriculum for subjects such as Information Technology. Many students suffer as a result of these changes. To what extent would you support or reject the idea of moving these subjects from the school curriculum?

Courses such as art, sports and music are disappearing from the school curriculum, making room for courses such as information technology. This change has made many students suffer a lot. To what extent do you support or refuse to remove these subjects from the school curriculum?

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Sample Essay of IELTS Writing

In recent years, many schools have included the latest and technology related subjects while dropped traditional subjects from the school syllabus. Whether old subjects should be replaced by modern one is a matter of great debate and I believe it is a difficult question to answer and different schools should adopt different solutions.

In recent years, many schools have introduced the latest technology related courses, and removed the traditional courses from the school curriculum. Whether these ancient courses should be replaced by modern courses has triggered a lot of discussion. I think this is a difficult question to answer. Different schools should try different solutions.

Some believe that traditional subjects should be retained as part of the school curriculum as they have great values for the students. According to their arguments, school education is not merely a process to ensure a future job. This is rather a broader aspect and to build an enlightened future generation, we need more cultural and arts-related subjects than technical ones.

Some people believe that traditional subjects should continue to be part of the school curriculum, because they are of great value to students. According to their point of view, school education is not only the process of ensuring future work, but also involves a larger aspect, shaping the enlightened next generation. We need more culture and art courses than technology courses.

Another group of people believes that technical subjects are more important than arts and sports subjects as they not only ensure better learning for students but also guarantee jobs in the future. This translation is from Laokaoya website. From a more practical point of view, technical knowledge is more important in life and this is why many people and guardians support the change in the school curriculum.

Others believe that technical courses are more important than art and physical education courses. Because they are more convenient to learn and can ensure future work. From a more practical perspective, technical knowledge is more important in life. This is why many people support the change of the school curriculum.

The changes in school curriculum often create some difficulties for the students and teachers but if effective measures are taken, that should not be a big dilemma. Sometimes the change comes all of a sudden and learners do not have a clue what to do. The school authorities, in this case, should play an important role to support the learners.

Changes in school curriculum will always bring some difficulties to students and teachers, but if effective measures can be taken, this should not be a major problem. Sometimes, changes come suddenly, and beginners have no idea what to do. In this case, the school authorities should play an important role in supporting them.

I personally believe that the school curriculum should be changed from time to time to make it more suitable for the latest trend. This, however, does not mean that we drop cultural and arts-related subjects from our school. While place for the new subjects should be made, old and important subjects should also be part of the national curriculum.

Personally, I think the school curriculum should be changed from time to time to make it more in line with the latest trends. However, this does not mean that we should expel culture and art courses from schools. Although there should be room for new subjects, these old and important subjects should also be part of the curriculum.

In conclusion, the school curriculum is a very sensitive issue and that should be very carefully planned. Modern subjects should be introduced, no doubt, but this should not make the traditional and old subjects less important.

In general, school curriculum is a very sensitive issue, which should be carefully planned. There is no doubt that modern courses should be introduced, but this does not mean that traditional courses are no longer important.

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