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Advantages and disadvantages of IELTS writing large number of young adults

Today we IELTS Writing This article is a model essay to study whether the benefits of having more young people in the next country outweigh the disadvantages, or the disadvantages outweigh the benefits. The most intuitive benefit of sufficient young people is a large number of labor forces. The country can produce all kinds of goods at a lower cost to promote economic development. Correspondingly, they often lack relevant experience, are not careful when making decisions, and are prone to make mistakes. Old Roast Duck has collected a related high score model essay for your reference.

Title of IELTS Writing Composition

At the present time, the population of some countries includes a relatively large number of young adults, compared with the number of older people. Do the advantages of this situation outweigh the disadvantages?

Now, compared with the number of elderly people, the population of some countries consists of a considerable proportion of young people. Do the advantages of this situation outweigh the disadvantages?

Sample Essay of IELTS Writing

The proportion of elderly people in some countries, like Japan, is considerably higher while in some other regions, including some Asian and Western countries, young people comprise the highest percentage of their population. Having a larger proportion of youth is considered to have more advantages for a country and I think that a country should have a more active and educated young population for faster development.

In some countries, such as Japan, the proportion of the elderly population is relatively high, while in other regions, including some Asian and Western countries, young people constitute the majority of the population. Having a larger proportion of young people is considered to be more beneficial to a country. I believe that in order to develop more rapidly, a country should have a more active and educated young population.

To begin with, the young generation is dynamic, energetic and can contribute to the production and job sectors of the country and this has a huge positive impact on the economic development of the country. They come with fresh ideas and are free from old superstitions and traditional beliefs. This gives them a competitive advantage for the faster progress of the country. The educated young gene ration is the best resource a country can have and their contribution to the country is significantly higher than the participation of children and elder people. The children are the future of a country and the elder people have already contributed. On the contrary, the young generation is the active workforce and can lead the overall growth of the country. They are the earning members while children and senior peoples are dependent on them.

First of all, the young generation is full of vitality, experience and can make contributions to the country's production and employment sectors. This has a huge positive impact on the country's economic development. They bring new ideas and are not bound by old superstitious behaviors and traditional ideas. This gives them a comparative advantage over the faster progress of the country. The educated young generation is the best resource a country has. Their contribution to the country is significantly higher than that of the children and the elderly involved. Children are the future of a country, and the elderly have already made contributions. On the contrary, young people are active labor force and can guide the overall growth of the country. They are wage earners, while children and old people depend on them.

The contribution of the older people, however, could not be denied and they have already done their part of reforming the country. They have vast experience and historical knowledge that are vital for decision making. This translation is from Laokaoya website. They are often considered better fit for the decision making positions and the tax they have paid their entire life made the progress o f the country possible.

However, the contributions of the elderly should not be ignored. They have completed their task of transforming the country. They have a great deal of experience and historical knowledge, which is crucial for decision-making. They are often considered to be more suitable for decision-making positions, and their lifetime tax payments make national progress possible.

To conclude, older people should not be considered a burden for the country, however, the young have more to contribute to the society and the country as a whole. This is why it is more beneficial for a country to have an active workforce than dependent senior citizens.

In general, the elderly should not be considered a burden on a country. However, young people make more contributions to the whole society and the country. This is why, compared with the elderly, having more active labor force is more beneficial to a country.

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Advantages and disadvantages of IELTS writing Large number of young adults: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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