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Before answering this question, I would like to recommend you read the previous article - who are the IELTS speaking examiners

Is the IELTS Speaking Examiner Chinese

Before answering this question, I would like to recommend that you read the previous article- Who are the IELTS speaking examiners Let's have a general understanding of the background of the IELTS speaking examiner we are facing. Well, are they Chinese? Today, the little editor of the old roast duck made a question and answer analysis on this question, hoping to help more examinees who are preparing for the IELTS exam.

Presumably, even those roast ducks who have taken the IELTS oral test once or twice cannot give a positive answer, because there are too many examiners, maybe they just didn't meet Chinese people when they took the test.

We see most white, yellow (but darker) Asian and black examiners. Their facial features can easily distinguish them from our Chinese people.

So, are there any Chinese examiners in the team of examiners nearby?

The answer is yes, and there should be more than one or two Chinese examiners. The Chinese IELTS examiners who are known and familiar to the old Roast Duck Xiaobian can count with one hand. Now I will talk about what the situation is and how they chose the examiners again.

When I got up early (before 2008), there were not so many people taking the IELTS test in China, and BC's marketing was not as big as it is today. At that time, many examiners were recruited part-time. Most of them were native English speakers, but there were also many English teachers in Chinese universities (that is, English teachers in universities). The author once knew one in Xi'an, At that time, he also teased students: "If you find me in the IELTS exam room, don't be surprised, just pretend we don't know each other".

Later, I met a Chinese who had been an IELTS speaking examiner in Beijing, and also an English teacher in colleges and universities. However, I have been abroad for many years, but the official did not require his IELTS score to reach 9 (B2). Of course, the fact that the article comes from the old roast duck IELTS does not prevent her from giving the examinee an IELTS score that meets the "standard". At that time, there were some examiners who said they were Chinese, but in fact they were not Chinese (mainland passports). Most of them were Taiwan compatriots (and were multi nationality people whose mother tongue was English). There were examiners who reached the level of IELTS examiner training officer (a higher level IELTS examiner), and there were also examiners who had one to two years of IELTS speaking examiner grading experience. Let's temporarily fall into the category of Chinese people.

Later, under the influence of China's policies, the IELTS authorities gradually began to standardize the operation of the examination (of course, there are also higher requirements for examiners). If Chinese people want to be examiners, they must also achieve a total IELTS score of 9 points (CEFR B2 level), including 9 points for writing and speaking (this is the original words of the American IELTS examiner trainer). As a result, the number of Chinese examiners is getting smaller and smaller. Therefore, the probability of meeting Chinese people will be very low. Moreover, even if you meet Chinese people, if you do not have a keen sense of hearing to identify the accent, you will not be able to hear whether the examiner who tested you is Chinese. Even if you ask him whether he is, he will not answer (let alone respond in Chinese), because this is one of the official requirements.

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Is the IELTS Speaking Examiner Chinese: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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