IELTS Sword 11 Difficulty in Listening Cambridge IELTS 11 Difficulty in Listening Sword 11 was published by Cambridge University Press in 2016. It is a real problem set that is relatively close to the present [...]

IELTS Sword 11 Listening Difficulty Cambridge IELTS 11 Listening Difficulty

Jian 11 was published by Cambridge University Press in 2016. It is a real problem set that is relatively close to now. From my IELTS experience and teaching experience over the years IELTS Listening It should be the one closest to the current exam difficulty. Of course, from the perspective of specific topics, there are also too simple and too difficult. But on the whole, the difficulty of almost every set of questions is very similar to that of the exam. Now let's analyze the difficulty of these four sets of IELTS listening questions.

Section 1 and Section 4 of the first set of questions of Jian 11 listening are very standard, and the knowledge points and words examined are quite consistent with the real situation of the exam. The map in Section 2 is also common, but this part is often in the form of adding a map, and filling in the blank is relatively rare. The difficulty of Section 3 multiple choice questions is almost the same as that of the exam, but now there are few consecutive 10 multiple choice questions in the exam.

The second set of IELTS 11 listening questions are identical to the real test in terms of the distribution of various types of questions and the specific difficulty. It is also my favorite set of topics. At the same time, there are many multiple choices in this set of questions. From the recent examination, the frequency of multiple choice has indeed increased. You can pay attention to it.

The last three parts of the third set of questions of Jian 11 listening are relatively normal, but Section 1 is somewhat difficult. This is mainly reflected in the following two aspects: First, there are multiple choice questions, and the interference items of multiple choice questions are also very confusing, especially the second one. The second is that the pace of filling in the blanks is too fast. Often the article comes from the old roast duck IELTS. The answer to one question has not been written yet, and the next one passes. But this kind of situation is relatively rare in the exam. So if you do this part poorly, don't worry too much.

Section 1, Section 2 and Section 4 of the fourth set of questions in the listening of Cambridge IELTS 11 are OK, but Section 3 is too difficult, almost the most difficult Section 3 in the series of books of Cambridge IELTS. If you really encounter such questions that most of you cannot understand in the exam, you can consider leaving the original listening text alone and relying on your daily knowledge accumulation to choose. Because IELTS listening must conform to the real situation, the accuracy rate will not be particularly low if you do this.

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