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Topic card of IELTS speaking season: Describe something you ought according to an [...]

Talk about something you bought according to an advertisement you saw

Ideas: The following ideas are for reference only. I hope you can write your answers according to your real experience

There should be no difficulty in this topic. Most of the things you buy should have seen their advertisements before. Here are just a few directions you may not have thought of. First, advertising should not only include advertisements seen on TV or on the web, but also include some text based soft articles. For example, the answers often asked by Zhihushang about "what have you bought, and the quality of life has been greatly improved", or "what snacks are worth recommending" can be regarded as advertisements. Second, something is not only a specific item, but also a service, such as the rent of a friend's house, courses of various training institutions, such as massage, etc. I hope you can find an angle that is not easy to repeat with others, so as to stimulate the interest of examiners.

The following is the reference answer given by the old roast duck editor according to the specific question requirements:

Describe something you bought according to an advertisement you saw

You should say:

What it was

Where you saw or heard about it

What it was about

And explain why you wanted to buy it

One item I bought was a kindle. About two months ago, when I was browsing Amazon to buy a book, I saw a huge advertisement on the home page. It said that the Kindle has launched a new reader, which has greatly improved the performance of the original Kindle.

The item I bought is a kindle. Two months ago, when I was scanning the Amazon website trying to find some interesting books. There was this huge advertisement on the head of its homepage, stating that a whole new generation of kindle had been produced and its performance had been greatly improved compared to the previous one.

I saw someone using a Kindle before. The e-ink technology it uses has completely changed my understanding of e-readers. Now that it has a new version, I didn't hesitate to buy it. Facts have proved that this is a very wise decision.

I had seen kindle in reality from a friend and was surprised by the e-ink technology it employed, which radically changed my view of e-reader. But I did not know where he got it. At seeing this advertisement, I decided to order one at once and it turned out to be the best decision I had ever made.

First of all, the Kindle's display screen doesn't flicker, and your eyes won't hurt no matter how long you look at it. This is very important for a person who likes reading. Second, the life of the Kindle is very long. It can even be used for one month after being charged. You never have to worry about the sudden power loss when reading outside. Third, the Kindle is very convenient. It is not heavy and small, so it can be easily carried in the pocket of your clothes. Fourth, the Kindle even has its own built-in reading. I don't need to worry about the surrounding light. With the Kindle, I no longer worry about boring travel, whether on the way to work or on business.

First, the screen of kindle does not flicker like other pads. No matter how long I read, my eyes do not hurt. This is very essential to a bookworm. Second, Kindle has a long battery life. Once it is charged to full power, I do not need to re-charge it for at least two weeks. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. Third, it was light and small, very convenient to carry. I can put it into pockets on my clothes just like my cell phone. Fourth, it has even inserted reading light in this device. I do not need to worry about whether the environment is bright enough. Ever since I bought this Kindle, my travel has never been boring, be it to work or to a far-away place.

In addition, this topic card about advertising is another Describe an advertisement you saw/liked (Click to view). There are many similarities between the two articles. They kill two birds with one stone. ;-)

Part 3 Additional questions

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The topic card of IELTS speaking season: Describe something you bought according to an advertisement you saw!


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