Preferential purchase of AliCloud servers

If you register as a member on AliCloud's official website through us, you can enjoy a discount for new opening/renewal/upgrade.

Preferential consultation Alibaba Cloud Investment Promotion
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Alibaba Cloud product preferential purchase process

Through our purchase of AliCloud products, you can enjoy a long-term discount for new purchase, renewal and upgrade!

  • 01

    Preferential benefits

    Do not restrict new and old users
    Online consultation, get preferential discount quotes! Determine the order model

  • 02

    Account association

    Provided by the customer Enterprise name/name, mobile phone number, e-mail , we help you to open an AliCloud account and become a member.

  • 03

    Real name authentication

    If the account is opened successfully, the real name is successful, and the corresponding discount fees are reserved Alibaba Cloud's official website is safe and easy to submit orders for purchase

  • 04

    Payment succeeded

    After the order is paid, , you can apply for AliCloud invoices!

  • 05

    Manage Products

    Customers log in to Alibaba Cloud console to manage products Free configuration of the environment, assistance in filing, and solving various cloud related problems

  • Alibaba Cloud's popular ECS

    Please contact customer service for the latest ECS package activities, subject to Alibaba Cloud official

    common problem

    Consult immediately

    Alibaba Cloud News

     What is ECS and why ECS

    What is ECS and why ECS


    Elastic Compute Service (ECS for short) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) level cloud computing service provided by Alibaba Cloud with excellent performance, stability, reliability and elastic expansion. ECS eliminates your purchase

    Learn more