PU transparent tape

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Jiangsu Guangyi Medical Dressing Co., Ltd

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  • [ Industry News ] Procedure of scar application

    Let's learn about scar application with Lianyungang Guangyi Medical Dressing Co., Ltd. Use steps of scar application: 1. Please select a size 1-2 cm larger than the scar; 2. Before applying the scar, please wash your hands and scar parts with soap or shower gel and dry them completely; 3. Please open the packing bag and take out the scar
    Published on: June 6, 2017 Number of hits: 120

  • [ Industry News ] Precautions for scar application

    Notes on the use of scar dressing Let's learn the notes with the professionals of Lianyungang Guangyi Medical Dressing Co., Ltd. 1. It should be used after the wound is fully healed, and if it is used for the wound after surgery, it should be used 1~2 weeks after the suture is removed; 2. It must not be used for those that have not completely healed or are being infected
    Published on: June 6, 2017 Clicks: 127

  • [ Industry News ] What are the principles and precautions of scar application?

    Scar application has a good moisturizing and breathable effect, which can avoid the pain caused by scar drying. The silicone oil in the silicone gel can soften scar tissue and inhibit the proliferation of fibroblasts. It can be applied on the surface of scars to protect scars, inhibit scar growth and soften scars. Scar application is applicable to burns, burns, abrasions, knife wounds, caesarean birth wounds, and cosmetic hands
    Published on: August 7, 2018 Number of hits: 303

  • [ Industry News ] Scar Patch - What do you know about cold packs?

    The cold compress patch is improved according to the traditional cold compress method, and is composed of non-woven fabric backing layer, gel layer, polyethylene film covering layer, etc. It is mainly used to prevent and treat swelling caused by drug infiltration caused by infusion, relieve discomfort requiring cold compress, and physically reduce fever. Now, the scar application manufacturer will introduce the relevant knowledge of cold compress. Basic cold compress
    Published on: September 28, 2018 Number of hits: 279

  • [ Knowledge Tips ] Use of medical scar application

    Medical scar dressing is a common product in medical products. It can be divided into two types: self-adhesive dressing and transparent film dressing. The two kinds of medical scar dressing do not use the same composition method. For example, the self-adhesive dressing is composed of absorbent pad, adhesive tape and isolation paper; The transparent film dressing consists of transparent film adhesive
    Published on: February 5, 2018 Number of hits: 59

  • [ Knowledge Tips ] Instructions for scar application

    Scar application is a kind of medical silicon gel film, which is easy to use and clean, without foreign body feeling, and does not need other dressings to fix. It has good air permeability and moisture retention, and promotes scar softening and plain clothes. The scar application can be determined according to the actual size of the scar. After cleaning the affected part, the application can be directly bonded to the wound. It should be noted that,
    Published on: July 31, 2019 Clicks: 136

  • [ Knowledge Tips ] Usage and precautions of scar application

    What is the general use method of scar application? What should we pay attention to after use? The application method of scar application is to clean the scar with water first to ensure the cleanness of the scar and its surrounding position, then cut the size of the scar application according to the area of the scar and fit the affected part smoothly. It should be noted that people should eat more food rich in vitamin C, and
    Published on: October 15, 2019 Clicks: 303

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