PU transparent tape

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Jiangsu Guangyi Medical Dressing Co., Ltd

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Site wide search results: 2 products, 11 news

  • [ Industry News ] The development of medical pu film and plastic products is of great significance

    According to statistics, medical plastic products in China have developed by leaps and bounds in the past 10 years, but there are few high-tech fields. It is speculated that the medical device market in China will grow by 40% by 2005, and then the medical plastic products will grow year on year, with huge market potential. Medical plastic products in China and
    Published on: 2017-05-15 Clicks: 202

  • [ Industry News ] Medical pu film

    Below the medical pu film, let's learn from the medical pu film, pu transparent tape and scar application manufacturers about the material, characteristics and product indications of the medical pu film. Material: composed of polyurethane film (PU) coated with medical acrylic glue, used to fix other dressings. Features:
    Published on: June 21, 2017 Number of hits: 149

  • [ Industry News ] Definition and classification of medical PU film dressings

    1. What is medical dressing? Medical dressing refers to medical materials used to cover sores, wounds or other damages. After the skin is injured by trauma, burns, abscesses and ulcers, it will cause a series of problems of the body, such as bacterial infection, excessive loss of water and protein, endocrine and immune dysfunction, etc
    Published on: October 31, 2017 Clicks: 187

  • [ Industry News ] Brief introduction to the development of medical PU film industry for medical dressings in China

    The medical PU film industry of medical dressings in China has roughly gone through four stages. The first stage began in the mid-1980s, when the industrial supply of products was relatively single, mainly raw materials gauze; The second stage was in the 1990s, when enterprises began to purchase large quantities of raw materials for deep processing, and then shipped the products to Europe, North America and other regions for packaging. In this stage, raw materials were supplied
    Published on: October 31, 2017 Clicks: 95

  • [ Industry News ] Development significance of medical pu film for plastic products

    According to statistics, medical plastic products in China have developed by leaps and bounds in the past 10 years, but there are few high-tech fields. It is estimated that the medical device market in China will grow by 40% by 2018, and then the medical plastic products can grow year on year, with huge market potential. The medical plastic products in China are inferior to the advanced level abroad
    Published on: February 6, 2018 Clicks: 110

  • [ Industry News ] How to deal with allergy to medical PU film?

    Some people's constitution is sensitive, and there are often some allergic phenomena. Some people will be allergic to drugs, some people will be allergic to fruits, and some people will be allergic to seafood, and there will be a series of allergic phenomena. What should we do if we are allergic to adhesive tape? The following is a summary of some methods. Speaking of medical
    Published on: March 31, 2018 Clicks: 156

  • [ Industry News ] Medical PU film is of great significance to the development of plastic products

    According to statistics, medical plastic products in China have developed by leaps and bounds in the past 10 years, but there are few high-tech fields. It is speculated that the medical device market in China will grow by 40% by 2005, and then the medical plastic products will grow year on year, with huge market potential. The medical plastic products in China are inferior to the advanced level abroad
    Published on: April 7, 2022 Clicks: 217

  • [ Industry News ] Medical PU film - how to deal with wounds to avoid leaving scars?

    It is everyone's nature to love beauty, and no one wants to leave scars on the skin. However, in daily life, it is inevitable that people will be hurt more or less because of bumps, and a little carelessness will leave scars, affecting the overall beauty. So how to deal with the wound to avoid leaving scars? Now let's introduce the medical PU film manufacturers to you. On
    Published on: October 16, 2018 Clicks: 548

  • [ Industry News ] Medical PU membrane - what are the precautions for using nasal feeding tube?

    The medical PU film manufacturer learned that nasal feeding tubes are often used in the medical process. The nasal feeding method is to send the stomach tube through the nasal cavity to the patient's stomach, and then feed the patient's stomach through the stomach tube. It is usually used for patients who are unconscious or cannot eat by themselves. Now, let's introduce what we should pay attention to when using nasal feeding tube. Using a nasal feeding tube is to provide food through a stomach tube
    Published on: January 18, 2019 Number of hits: 317

  • [ Knowledge Tips ] Application skills of medical pu film

    If the medical pu film is used incorrectly, the pu film will not only fail to play its own role, but also aggravate the patient's condition. So here are some tips on using the pu film to avoid mistakes, so let's learn about it. 1. If the pulling force is too tight when pasting the medical pu film, first paste one end and then paste the other end or paste
    Published on: July 17, 2019 Number of hits: 179

  • [ Knowledge Tips ] How to select medical pu film

    Many people asked about the quality of the medical pu film they could not clearly identify when they chose to buy it. As a result, the seller cheated them into buying inferior products, so they could not buy high-quality pu films. Therefore, today's editor summarized several methods to identify the quality of pu film products, so that everyone can improve their purchasing ability, so that they can purchase satisfactory pu film products. So come on
    Published on: May 2, 2020 Number of hits: 146

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