PU transparent tape

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What should be paid attention to when using medical tape?

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What should be paid attention to when using medical tape?

Date of issue: 2022-03-15 Author: Click:

Nothing is perfect. It just depends on whether such a thing can cover up its flaws, or whether it can cover up its flaws, or even sometimes it just likes one of its functions, such as the saying of fighting poison with poison. Therefore, when you use any item, you should choose it according to your own situation. You should not follow others blindly.

   Medical PU film

use PU transparent tape The same is true. PU transparent tape is widely used in medical institutions, and it really brings us convenience. Because the natural material of pure wood pulp is used, it is non-toxic and non irritating. It also has good air permeability, good softness, easy unwinding, easy operation, and can be used in many occasions.


However, PU transparent tape is not suitable for everyone. If there is an allergic reaction to PU transparent tape, causing redness and swelling, it should be stopped in time, and medication can be taken if necessary; Or explain to the doctor and take other measures before seeking medical treatment.


Another case: PU transparent tape has been applied for a long time, and it appears red and swollen, accompanied by small blisters, and itchy. This situation is usually caused by the PU transparent tape being applied on the body for too long. As long as some ointment is applied externally, it will improve immediately. In addition, attention should be paid in the future use.


To sum up, the use of PU transparent tape should vary from person to person, and attention should be paid not to regenerate the adhesive tape for too long. In this way, we can enjoy the convenience it brings us.

Related labels: Medical PU film

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