Justice Network

Collection currency of "leak detection" in the live broadcast room? fraud!

In the collection world, the old version of RMB with rare characteristics is sought after by collectors. Some people take a fancy to this "business opportunity". They renovate and process the old delisted RMB, package it into fuer coins and missing printed coins, etc., and sell it to all parts of the country through webcasts, forming an "industrial chain" of auctioning counterfeit collectible coins. [Detailed]

We should adhere to the people as the center, coordinate development and security, strengthen the system concept and the rule of law thinking, focus on source governance and comprehensive governance, adhere to joint management, mass prevention and mass governance, comprehensively implement various measures for crack down, prevention and control, as well as the main responsibilities of financial, communications, Internet and other industry regulators, strengthen the construction of legal systems, strengthen social publicity, education and prevention, and promote international law enforcement cooperation, We will resolutely curb the high incidence of such crimes, and make new and greater contributions to building a higher level of safe China and a rule of law China.

——On April 8, 2021, Xi Jinping made an important instruction on combating the crime of telecom network fraud

The national network security work should adhere to the principle that network security is for the people, and network security depends on the people, protect personal information security, and safeguard citizens' legitimate rights and interests in cyberspace.

——In September 2019, Xi Jinping made important instructions for the National Cyber Security Publicity Week

It is necessary to establish a correct concept of network security, strengthen the network security protection of information infrastructure, strengthen the construction of network security information coordination mechanism, means and platform, strengthen the construction of network security incident emergency command capability, actively develop the network security industry, and move forward to prevent problems before they occur.

——From April 20 to 21, 2018, Xi Jinping pointed out that
Pretend to be a website customer service, ask the victim to cooperate in handling "refund and claim settlement" or "cancellation business" on the grounds of "quality problem", "wrong order" and "delivery loss" of online shopping goods, and obtain the personal account information of the victim in real time in the background, resulting in financial losses of the victim. Xu Jun/Picture
Making friends through the Internet, packaging "people set up", establishing emotional relationships, and then inducing the victim to invest or gamble. This fraud method is called "pig killing dish" on the Internet. Wang Wei/Picture
Some illegal social organizations engage in illegal fund-raising and other illegal and criminal activities in the name of public charity such as poverty alleviation, poverty relief and emergency relief through public donation. The public should pay attention to prevention. Cheng Shuo/Picture
In the past two years, more and more young people who want to make money choose online scalping as a part-time job. Unexpectedly, they can't make money. Instead, many people step into the trap of swindlers. Goujian Mountain/Map
Induce the victim to invest in stocks by means of highly leveraged capital allocation, and embezzle a large amount of funds from the victim by making high-frequency transactions and defrauding high fees. Zhu Huiqing/Picture

Planner: Zhang Mengjiao, Ma Zhi, Editor: Yang Xiao, Yang Jingru, Artistic Editor: Zhang Tianqi Time: May 14, 2021

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