Justice Network
Who are we
   It is hosted by the Procuratorial Daily Office of the Supreme People's Procuratorate. At present, it has initially built an Internet comprehensive service platform with a variety of businesses such as online new media editing, online public opinion services, government website construction, technical equipment services for political and legal organs, construction of legal education bases, legal publicity, education and training, and has a sound modern enterprise management system, It has become the main position and channel of rule of law publicity in the new media era, and the pathfinder of China's Internet+rule of law construction.
Meet us
News production
technical service

Construction and maintenance of procuratorial network group

 Construction and maintenance of procuratorial network group According to the requirements of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on procuratorial informatization construction, Justice Network has vigorously carried out the cluster construction of procuratorial organ portals since 2008. At present, Justice Network operates and maintains the high-level inspection website group, and has built, operated and maintained nearly 1700 official procuratorial organ portals across the country.

Technical service of procuratorial equipment

 Technical service of procuratorial equipment Justice changed the original equipment channel into a procuratorial science and technology equipment service platform, providing a communication platform between procuratorial information technology research and development enterprises and various business departments of procuratorial organs, giving free industry journals, and seeking partners to jointly develop new products.

Public opinion monitoring and early warning service

 Public opinion monitoring and early warning service The public opinion monitoring system of Justice Network is a professional public opinion technology platform suitable for political and legal organs, which is developed by Justice Network on the basis of its own advantages and long-term practice, relying on mature Internet technology, embedding the knowledge base and content logic accumulated in practice.
intellectual support
event planning
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