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Pursue Dream Oriental · Look Forward to the Future | Hangzhou New Oriental Student Career Planning Speech Contest Wonderful

Time: May 9, 2024 Source: Hangzhou New Oriental Cooking School

In order to guide students to deeply understand the importance of career planning, establish a clear career direction, and improve employment competitiveness and professional quality, Hangzhou New Oriental Cuisine School carefully planned a 2024 student career planning speech contest with the theme of "Pursue Dream Oriental · Look Forward to the Future".

A total of 32 people participated in the competition, and their speeches were full of passion, which also let us witness the wonderful interpretation of future planning by students of all majors.


Mi Zhehong was full of curiosity about the exploration of ingredients and cooking techniques with his boundless love for cooking. After graduating from junior high school, under the guidance of his parents, he entered Hangzhou New Oriental Cooking School and chose Jindian Chef as his life stage.


He knows that food can bring happiness to people, so he is determined to constantly improve his cooking skills and innovation ability, and become an outstanding chef who can deliver happiness.

Hu Xinliang stopped his studies because of an accident. After being confused, he began to make money with his hobbies. At the age of 13, he went to Changsha alone, met some good friends, and under their encouragement, he began to think about his future.


After thinking for a long time, he finally chose the major of Western food chef in Hangzhou New Oriental Cooking School, hoping to realize his dream here. Now, he has spent two years in school, and his enthusiasm for learning is growing. Whenever praised by teachers, he will be more confident and firmly believe that he can create a better future for his family.

Wang Haojin deeply realized that the job of chef not only meets people's taste buds, but also conveys the temperature of life and cultural connotation. He is proud of his career choice and determined to shine in this field. In the face of competition and challenges, he continued to tap the potential of ingredients, study matching skills, combine theory with practice, and impress diners with details and innovation.


In the future, he plans to participate in more cooking contests, understand the industry trend, study hard, and strive to create his own personal brand.

After fierce competition, a total of 8 students were selected. Let's look forward to their performance in the final.


In fact, this game is of great significance to every student present. Students were more clearly aware of their professional interests and advantages, laying a solid foundation for future career planning.


At the same time, the school will also continue to carry out a series of employment education theme activities, build a full coverage of high-quality career planning and employment guidance system, help students realize their personal professional value, and move towards a better future!