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Special Snack Training - Introduction to the Practice of Delicious Maotai Spicy Cake

Time: June 5, 2023 Source: Hangzhou New Oriental Cooking School

Maotai Cake Sauce Preparation Materials:
30g salad oil, 20g bean paste, 40g sweet flour paste, 10g seafood paste, 20g oyster sauce, 30g garlic paste, 15g sugar, some pepper powder, 25g Huadiao wine, 25g water.
Method of sauce for Maotai flavor cake:
1. Heat the oil, pour in the bean paste, stir fry for 2-3 minutes, stir fry the red oil;
2. Add seafood sauce and oyster sauce and sugar, stir fry;
3. Continue to add sweet sauce, garlic and chili powder, stir fry;
4. Finally, add Huadiao wine and water, and continue to boil for 2-3 minutes.
After hot oil, stir fry the bean paste first. After the bean paste is cooked, there is no special order for other materials. Do not add minced garlic at the beginning. It is easy to burn. This sauce is more sweet and spicy, not very salty. Baby who likes salty food can increase the amount of bean paste and seafood paste, and appropriately reduce the amount of sweet sauce.

Preparation and method of dough:
250g flour, 5g salad oil, 100g boiled water, 60g cold water
1. Weigh flour, salt and oil into a large basin, pour boiling water into it, and mix it with chopsticks for several times;
2. Pour in cold water, mix with chopsticks and knead into a ball with your hands;
3. Transfer it to the kneading pad, knead it into a ball, cover it, and wake up for 15-20 minutes (you can also knead this part until the dough is smooth, but it will be hard to knead it for a certain time. After waking up, you will basically knead the ball for two times to make it smooth);
4. After waking up, rub the dough for several times to make it smooth. After kneading, continue to cover the dough for about 20 minutes;
5. After the dough is relaxed, divide it into two pieces, knead it until smooth and wake up for 5 minutes, and then roll it out;
6. After rolling the thin noodles, evenly apply the prepared sauce on the surface;
7. Roll the dough into a circle slightly larger than the diameter of the pot;
8. After the oil in the pot is heated, put the rolled crust into the pot. It is better to make some wrinkles for better taste;
9. Cover the pan and fry it over medium low heat for 2-3 minutes, turn it upside down and continue to fry it for about 2 minutes after coloring;
10. Turn off the heat, brush the sauce, sprinkle white sesame seeds and scallions, cut them into pieces and eat them.