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Foot strength elderly shoes
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  • Investment amount: 10000~50000


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Foot strength elderly shoes Introduction to joining

 Zuli Healthy Elderly Shoes Joined

Beijing Xiaoxiyang Technology Development Co., Ltd. focuses on the research, development, production and sales of functional shoes for the elderly, and is a domestic integrated operation major A comprehensive enterprise of shoes for the elderly, mainly engaged in foot strength shoes for the elderly.

Filial Sunset adheres to the business purpose of "caring for the elderly and warming the sunset with filial piety", takes carrying forward the traditional "filial piety" culture as its own responsibility, and takes full efforts to improve the elderly shoes major The brand is a sharp sword, quickly filling the gap in the domestic market of elderly shoes, becoming major Old people's shoes. After six years of dedicated research, the design standard of Xiaoxiyang elderly shoes has improved/increased the comfort of every elderly friend's feet. At present, tens of millions of old people across the country have put on foot strength shoes for the elderly, which are deeply loved and sought after by elderly friends.
  Xiaoxiyang will take "talent" as the foundation, with high salary and benefits, and create a team with FC730JO2lm3, executive power and dreams. Adhere to the product line of "differentiation and personalization", strengthen brand reputation construction based on modern marketing technology and tools, and strive to build Xiaoxiyang into a trustworthy and respected enterprise.
  Foot strength major Old people's shoes provide you with comfortable and healthy travel life
300 million old people are about to wear shoes. It is difficult for them to buy shoes. One trillion "silver hair business opportunities" need to be opened urgently
The elderly need special shoes for the elderly. You don't know the pain of wearing shoes for the elderly
When people reach the middle and old age, foot health problems become prominent, foot muscles degenerate, ligament elasticity decreases, foot joints relax, foot arches collapse, plantar fat pads shrink, feet begin to deform, thumbs turn outward, instep becomes high, and soles become wide, causing problems for the elderly to wear shoes. Traditional shoes can squeeze feet, cause foot pain, and are not breathable. Shoes are heavy, easy to fall, and hard to wear, It's easier to walk tired than tired
  Feet are the root of human beings. Good shoes can preserve health. Good feet can build shoes for the elderly with ingenuity
·Complete functions, extremely satisfied
Black technology, good shoes can maintain health; There are a variety of functional shoe types, which are suitable for various occasions, whether it is leisure, walking, or outing, mountain climbing, square dancing... fashion and healthy life exclusive for the elderly!!!
  Young at the foot, follow your heart step by step
Put on the foot strength shoes for the elderly, the feet are comfortable, the walk is brisk, the long walk is not tired, the fear of slipping, feeling young, and willing to travel from now on! Foot Power Restores Elderly People's Comfortable and Healthy Travel Life
Foot strength elderly shoes Franchise advantages

 Zuli Healthy Elderly Shoes Joined

   The support provided by the alliance of Zuli Health shoes for the elderly:

   1. Brand image support:

There is no need to fight alone. The company unifies its image, decoration and publicity, so that you don't have to work hard.

   2. Business investigation support:

We will provide you with detailed services in the business circle, including competitors, population density, economic situation, etc.

  3. Training support:

Provided major Systematic training to improve your management and sales ability.

   4. Media advertising support:

We will distribute a corresponding number of promotional materials according to the situation of your region, ensure Publicity can meet the supply.

  5. Market information support:

Zuli Health shoes for the elderly join the headquarters to keep an eye on the market, study the market trend, and help you seize the opportunity.

   6. Return and replacement support:

The replacement system of Zuli Health Senior Shoes Headquarters gives you reasonable and comprehensive support.

   7. Tracking service support:

The headquarters of Zuli Health shoes for the elderly will dispatch according to the actual situation of the franchisee major Our team provides on-site guidance from time to time. Solve the problems encountered by the franchisees of Zuli Healthy Elderly Shoes in the process of opening stores.

  8. Whole store output:

Multiple services and one-stop operation mode will make you a shopkeeper!

   9. Brand resources:

Use huge brand resources to truly make the power of the brand deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

  10. Uniform price:

National uniform price supply, so that you can directly link with the manufacturer, without middlemen.

Foot strength elderly shoes Franchise conditions

  Conditions required for joining Zuli Health shoes for the elderly:

1. Natural or legal person with full civil capacity;

2. If the applicant is a natural person, he or she must be over 18 years old, have high school education or above, be healthy, and have entrepreneurial aspirations;

3. Have certain business background and experience;

4. Be familiar with the local market environment and the consumption demand of shoes for the elderly with strong foot power;

5. It has certain economic and franchise strength (the initial franchise capital of Zuli Healthy Elderly Shoes is not less than 80000 yuan);

6. Having qualified business reputation and business ethics;

7. Have strong interpersonal communication ability and certain financial management ability.

Foot strength elderly shoes Franchise process

   How to join Zuli Healthy Old People's Shoes

1. Telephone consultation on the franchisee of Zuli Health shoes for the elderly;

2. After reaching the intention, go to the head office of Zuli Health shoes franchise for the elderly for field investigation;

3. Look for stores that are suitable for the elderly with healthy feet;

4. Sign the letter of intent for joining Zuli Health shoes for the elderly;

5. Pay the joining fee;

6. Zuli Health shoes for the elderly joined the headquarters to visit on a certain day;

7. Franchisees sign store lease;

8. The company designs decoration drawings and display drawings according to the store conditions;

9. Franchisees carry out store decoration company assistance in planning, training, distribution, publicity and other opening preparations;

10. Open a store and report the success of the website customer service;

11. Run and become a boss, open a shop.

User consultation

  • I have a big idea to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the shoes for the elderly with strong feet! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-17 22:12:44 From China  39.188.138*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Fifty thousand yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the shoes for the elderly with strong feet! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-17 05:36:31 From Hongqiao District, Tianjin  60.24.17*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Tens of thousands or 100000.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the shoes for the elderly with strong feet! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 20:46:55 From Pukou District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province  49.77.246*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 5 million goods.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the shoes for the elderly with strong feet! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 10:34:26 From Pingfang District, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province  61.180.226*
  • After drinking, I want to do it in my hometown, because there is no supply here

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the shoes for the elderly with strong feet! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 05:38:40 From Harbin, Heilongjiang Province  60.219.205*
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