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Zhongke Duocao State
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Free Entrepreneurship On the job Investment Online Shop

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 200000~500000


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Zhongke Duocao State Introduction to joining
 Joined by Zhongke Duocaobang
Duocaobang is a brand with a new concept that was launched to the market by Zhongke Duocaobang Cosmetics Technology Co., Ltd. in 2005, and it is a modern Chinese herbal medicine with a complete sense of high-grade hair care products. It features Chinese herbal medicine, inherits the essence of classic hairdressing, and combines the essence of Chinese herbal medicine with the latest achievements of modern biotechnology. Since its listing, Duocaobang has become unique in the domestic white hair to black market with its unique positioning and sales method, and has gradually established a fresh, natural and healthy brand image.
Duocaobang's personal hair care products are the result of the combination of modern biotechnology and the essence of traditional Chinese herbal medicine. In product development, we have scientifically applied the balance theory and overall concept exclusive to traditional Chinese medicine, and extracted herbal essence by high-tech means, so that the product can nourish hair follicle cells, and make the scalp, hair, and spirit reach an excellent state of harmony, ideal, shape and spirit, It radiates the beauty of nature, personality and health root.
Duocaobang firmly believes that "black hair is the root of human beauty, and only with perfect black hair can you be completely beautiful". In August 2003, Duocaobang officially set up a research project. Previously, Duocaobang's R&D personnel had mature experience after years of careful research.
In October 2003, Duocaobang's national franchise system was launched, and Duocaobang's sales channels were launched nationwide.
Company services:
A: White hair turns black, hereditary white hair, juvenile white hair, physical white hair
For 15 days, it is not a hair transplant but a growing black hair. The signed care is invalid and refunded!
B: Seborrheic alopecia, male alopecia, alopecia areata
After 30 days, hair loss was completely stopped three times, and new black hair had grown thick about 10 times. Invalid refund for contracted care!
C: Nourishing hair and brain:
One week's maintenance will work, and the hair will be soft and not fall off. Repair damaged hair.
D: Remove dandruff and relieve itching, once!!!
Zhongke Duocao State Franchise advantages
 Joined by Zhongke Duocaobang
01 Operational advantages
1. Authorized to use the trademark of this product.
2. Placing other business necessities of the product.
3. Provide on-site job function training and skill training.
4. Site advantages and technical training for project director.
5. Provide marketing scheme planning advantages.
6. Provide solutions to problems in business and practical technical advantages.
02 Advantages of joining
1. VI System Information of Brand Image of the Product.
2. This product work service guide.
3. This product's store opening reference book and CD
4. Store design proposal, store layout plan.
5. Logistics distribution guidance list.
03 Design and decoration advantages
1. Before opening, the headquarters inspectors provided suggestions and design layout drawings for the interior of the store.
2. Overall decoration advantage scheme.
3. Provide suggestions and reference opinions on the whole decoration process and decoration price before opening.
04 Advantages of guidance and training
1. Before and during the opening, the company will send the project director to the store to assist in the operation and management for 15 days. If there is any delay, it needs to apply to the company in advance.
2. Training on job responsibilities and service processes before opening.
3. Regularly provide franchise stores with good store operation plans and marketing plans, as well as newly developed products and technical achievements of the headquarters.
Zhongke Duocao State Franchise conditions
1. Legal person or natural person with legal qualification;
2. At least 3 well-trained professionals (the company can assist in training)
3. There are certain sales channels and more mature customer networks, and there are qualified commercial credits and reputation in the local area.
4. Having necessary business resources;
5. Necessary funds for franchise agency business
6. Be steadfast and confident in the cause of Duocaobang;
7. Have good quality, thought and foundation to promote the culture of multi grass state hair care;
8. He has a sense of advanced operation, is willing to accept the management of Duocaobang Company, and agrees with the operation mode of Duocaobang Company.
Zhongke Duocao State Franchise process
1. Consultation on joining matters and application for joining;
2. Assessment and approval of franchise stores by the headquarters;
3. Business negotiation between headquarters and franchisees;
4. Sign the franchise agreement and pay the franchise fee;
5. The headquarters will issue the joining plaque and the franchise authorization letter;
6. Technical training and operation guidance of the headquarters to franchise stores;
7. The headquarters distribution company uniformly designates special equipment;
8. Preparation before opening and opening planning;
9. At the time of opening, the headquarters will send a tutor to the store to give technical guidance (15 days) to the newly opened franchise store. After the franchise store operates normally, the headquarters tutor will give itinerant technical guidance to the franchise store.

Zhongke Duocao State Joining dynamics


Zhongke Duocao State Related questions and answers


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  • I have a big idea to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Zhongke Duocaobang! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-28 21:20:36 From Xinjiang  49.115.227*
  • Do you need a franchise fee?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Zhongke Duocaobang! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-27 02:40:43 From Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province  60.223.146*
  • ask for information

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Zhongke Duocaobang! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-25 03:44:39 From Jiangsu Province  49.92.166*
  • Add WeChat contact.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Zhongke Duocaobang! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-20 03:57:20 From Jiangsu Province  49.94.27*
  • Very interested to know

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Zhongke Duocaobang! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-17 23:58:58 From Henan Jiaozuo [Unicom]  42.234.62*
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