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Zhejiang Jishu Chicken Wrapped in Paper
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 500000~1000000


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Zhejiang Jishu Chicken Wrapped in Paper Introduction to joining

 Zhejiang Jishu Paper Wrapped Chicken

Zhejiang Jishu paper wrapped chicken, as a traditional Sichuan cuisine, has been loved by consumers for many years. Zhejiang Jishu Paper Wrapped Chicken has been established for many years. With its delicious taste, rich nutrition and good selection of materials, it has achieved great development of the brand and become a favorite food brand of Zhejiang Jishu Paper Wrapped Chicken among consumers.
Zhejiang Jishu paper wrapped chicken has good quality ingredients and provides consumers with considerate catering services. Zhejiang Jishu Paper Wrapped Chicken selects delicious live fish, and the raw materials come from reliable supply channels, improving/increasing the healthy and delicious raw materials. The brand uses manufacturing/refining seasonings to pickle the ingredients in advance, so that the ingredients taste in advance and have a more fragrant flavor. The traditional roasting method is used to roast fish. In addition, the brand has a manufacturing/refining pot bottom, which uses traditional Chinese herbs, spices and traditional techniques to boil and marinate special sauces. It has full taste and pure taste. It has very distinctive product characteristics and is widely loved by consumers. For Zhejiang Jishu paper wrapped chicken, the auxiliary materials used by the brand are also fresh and good. All the oil is fresh, improving/increasing the taste of food, health and safety. In addition to delicious paper wrapped chicken and vegetables of Zhejiang Jishu, the brand also provides consumers with various special drinks. The paper wrapped chicken food of Zhejiang Jishu is more delicious and refreshing. The brand also has a variety of products, including Zhejiang Jishu paper wrapped chicken, special grilled fish, iron plate dishes, etc., to meet the dining needs of different consumers and the taste needs of different people,
As a chain franchise brand, for franchisees, Zhejiang Jishu Paper Wrapped Chicken Brand Headquarters will send special personnel to guide its operation, management, training and other aspects in the store. The headquarters provides the franchise stores with systematic training, multi-faceted operation supervision, sound personnel management and other support. The training technicians visit each store regularly to provide continuous training services for the franchise stores, so that the franchise stores can quickly enter the right track and achieve business.
Zhejiang Jishu Chicken Wrapped in Paper Franchise advantages

 Zhejiang Jishu Paper Wrapped Chicken

Strong brand strength: after years of practice, Zhejiang Jishu Paper Wrapped Chicken has opened several franchise stores in different cities, which can provide consumers in different regions with a very diversified paper wrapped fish service and bring more surprises to taste buds! As a franchisee of Zhejiang Jishu Paper Wrapped Chicken, there is no need to worry about doing business on the basis of a strong company.
Outstanding brand characteristics: in terms of product pricing, Zhejiang Jishu Paper Wrapped Chicken attaches great importance to consumer demand psychology, and will make a price positioning that is more easily accepted by consumers based on the regional environment of Zhejiang Jishu Paper Wrapped Chicken franchise. The price of Zhejiang Jishu's paper wrapped chicken products is affordable, and the series is changeable. The business of Zhejiang Jishu's paper wrapped chicken franchise stores will not be affected by the season, and the subsequent profit situation will be quite satisfactory.
Reasonable guidance in the whole process: from site selection to store opening, to the subsequent operation of the store, Zhejiang Jishu Paper Wrapped Chicken Headquarters will provide free support throughout the process to help Zhejiang Jishu Paper Wrapped Chicken franchisees deal with various problems encountered in the store as soon as possible. At the same time, Zhejiang Jishu's paper wrapped chicken franchise will improve/increase the promotion of new products and management improvement. Zhejiang Jishu's paper wrapped chicken stores in all regions need not worry about the customers.
Timely research and development of new products: we need to make continuous efforts to become a trendsetter in the industry. In the process of research, development and production of various products, Zhejiang Jishu Paper Wrapped Chicken has always adhered to the scientific ratio, which is rich in nutrition and cheap in quality. Aiming at the surrounding market environment of various stores, Zhejiang Jishu Paper Wrapped Chicken Headquarters assists local Zhejiang Jishu Paper Wrapped Chicken franchisees to plan a plan with its own brand characteristics at a faster speed in the taro circle industry, which will further the development model of Zhejiang Jishu Paper Wrapped Chicken franchisees.
Improve the management mechanism: in the process of cooperation with Zhejiang Jishu Paper Wrapped Chicken Franchise, the headquarters has always emphasized the management and operation of Zhejiang Jishu Paper Wrapped Chicken Franchise in a standardized management mode. After years of business practice, Zhejiang Jishu Paper Wrapped Chicken has also concluded a set of management mechanisms suitable for itself. The guidance received by Zhejiang Jishu Paper Wrapped Chicken partners before and after opening is also very diversified.
Zhejiang Jishu Chicken Wrapped in Paper Franchise conditions
1. Strong enterprise spirit, higher and stricter requirements for the development of Zhejiang Jishu paper wrapped chicken franchise brand, and keen on the industry.
2. Can identify with the business model and business ideas of Zhejiang Jishu Paper Wrapped Chicken franchise headquarters.
3. Be able to implement the specifications and standards of Zhejiang Jishu Paper Wrapped Chicken franchise headquarters.
4. Franchisees must have independent stores or business premises in the regional market.
5. Zhejiang Jishu paper wrapped chicken franchisees should have certain capital investment capacity and bearing capacity.
6. Independent franchisees and those with certain business experience can apply for joining.
7. It can provide busy commercial streets or large malls or other stores with large flow of people, which need to be reviewed by the headquarters.
8. Have a qualified reputation and certain business management and communication skills, love the industry, and have positive self-confidence and desire for success.
Zhejiang Jishu Chicken Wrapped in Paper Franchise process
1. Cooperation consultation: those who want to wrap chicken in paper can have a preliminary understanding on the website, telephone and physical stores. Talk with the Business Development Department to determine the intention.
2. Field investigation: Those who want to wrap chicken in paper in Zhejiang Jishu can go to the headquarters for field investigation and in-depth understanding of the project.
3. Cooperation signing and payment of fees: Franchise contract shall be signed with the consent and willingness of both parties. Handle relevant procedures and pay relevant franchise fees and annual management fees.
4. Regional site selection, market evaluation and analysis: The headquarters conducted a detailed survey of Zhejiang Jishu paper wrapped chicken, and provided relevant basis for the location of the store, which is only for entrepreneurs' reference. The headquarters analyzed and evaluated the regional environment selected by Zhejiang Jishu Paper Wrapping Chicken and the budget of Zhejiang Jishu Paper Wrapping Chicken, and finally gave a cooperation reply.
5. Store decoration: according to the existing structure of the store, design, decoration and other plans are formulated for the store and implemented in the short term.
6. Personnel management training: all positions of franchise stores shall be recruited before opening, and the recruiters shall go to the headquarters for training and learning. The relevant expenses shall be borne by the chicken wrapped in paper by Zhejiang Jishu,
7. Opening preparation: In the early stage of opening, the promotion plan needs to be well planned, and the opening date needs to be finalized. All materials and raw materials need to be fully prepared a week ago
8. Business diagnosis: Follow up the business survey of Zhejiang Jishu Paper Wrapped Chicken Franchise Headquarters to guide franchise stores, solve business problems, and assist franchise stores to increase their performance.

Zhejiang Jishu Chicken Wrapped in Paper Joining dynamics


Zhejiang Jishu Chicken Wrapped in Paper Related questions and answers


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  • I always think it tastes good after eating, so I want to join

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the paper wrapped chicken of Zhejiang Jishu! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 12:28:01 From China  39.170.215*
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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the paper wrapped chicken of Zhejiang Jishu! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-29 22:38:56 From China  39.185.200*
  • With this idea, about how much to invest

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the paper wrapped chicken of Zhejiang Jishu! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-24 08:33:04 From Nanjing, Jiangsu  49.94.69*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 100000 to 200000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the paper wrapped chicken of Zhejiang Jishu! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-21 21:54:23 From Hengyang City, Hunan Province  42.48.243*
  • Send information about the franchise fees.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the paper wrapped chicken of Zhejiang Jishu! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-19 23:28:43 From Gansu Province  42.89.86*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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