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*Warm tip: investment is risky, 91 franchise website prompts more brand inspection!
Self study space
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred and twenty-eight

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Self study space Introduction to joining
 Self study space joining
No matter which family you enter, you can see all kinds of self-study spaces, and every time you go shopping, as long as you see the desired goods, people will buy them home. In this context, the self-learning space industry will naturally prosper. Many entrepreneurs have also found the opportunity to become rich, but there are many self-study space joining projects in the market. Which project is more safe to join? Before officially joining a project, the editor believes that you need to have a detailed understanding of the whole self-learning space industry and brand support policies.
Today's self-learning space franchise industry is in a good situation, many people have joined, but how much do you know about the self-learning space franchise project? If you are not clear, please read this article carefully.
What is the definition of self-study space alliance? In fact, it is the decorations or furniture that can be placed in the room after the house is decorated, such as curtains, sofa covers, cushions, craft tablecloths, etc. In addition, cloth art, hanging pictures, plants, etc. are also included in the category of self-study space.
Self study space, as a movable decoration, can not only enrich each room, but also reflect the life taste of the host. Therefore, it is particularly popular in the market.
The self-learning space has overturned the restrictions of the traditional decoration industry, and reorganized handicrafts, textiles, collectibles, lamps, flowers, plants, etc. to form a new concept. If you like to join the self-study space and have a hobby of decorating rooms, you can flexibly choose products according to your own economic situation to create a distinctive home style.
The threshold of self-study space is not too high. As long as the franchisee is a legal citizen, has certain ability to join, and recognizes the brand culture of the franchisee, he can apply to join. These conditions are relatively simple for most people. In addition, by joining a self-study space brand, the franchisee will be able to obtain a lot of support provided by the brand, such as store building, marketing, advertising, management, etc. People will help you solve the problem of opening a store and let you not worry about business.
Self study space Franchise advantages
 Self study space joining
There are many buildings. It can be said that as long as there are people living in the house, there is basically a need for self-study space. Moreover, the living conditions of modern people are better, and people are rebuilding old houses and buying new ones. Therefore, the demand for self-learning space is increasing, and the market size of the whole industry is close to 100 billion yuan. By joining a self-learning space franchise project, entrepreneurs can easily start and travel the business. So, how about joining the self-learning space?
Brand support
Cooperating with any brand of self-study space, the franchisee can obtain the trademark and trade name provided by the brand, and easily establish a qualified store image in the local area. In addition, the company will also provide free decoration design scheme for franchisees to reduce their operating costs and improve their space.
Training support
The training team owned by the company will provide training on product knowledge, operation management and other aspects for franchisees to improve their ability.
Advertising support
The company will put advertisements on various platforms to promote the products of the store and establish a qualified image.
Activity support
The company will plan a series of activities and provide the franchisee with activities execution, so that the franchisee's business will continue to be good.
Regional support
The company will require each franchisee to implement the regional protection policy, control the number of stores in each region, and make the self-learning space industry in each city develop steadily.
Self study space Franchise conditions
1. Have qualified business reputation.
2. Have some experience in terminal operation management and awareness of operation and maintenance.
3. Have certain capital investment capacity.
4. Recognize and accept the brand concept and market concept of self-learning space, and abide by the terms of the contract.
Self study space Franchise process
1. Consultation and understanding: Consultation and understanding of the brand's franchise policy, product characteristics and marketing concept through media, websites, exhibitions, promotional materials, telegrams, etc.
2. Investigation and analysis: Franchisees' influence on local economy and consumption; The retail price and sales of the brand; Competitiveness of other brands; Local residents' acceptance of brands is investigated, analyzed and summarized, and their own resources and advantages are comprehensively analyzed.
3. Franchise application: Know the conditions of the brand and submit the Franchise Application Form in a unified format to the company.
4. Qualification review: The brand salesperson will verify relevant information with you in time and give a preliminary reply.
5. Negotiation and visit: The two parties further discussed, visited brand stores and production bases, and confirmed their cooperation intentions through mutual understanding.
6. Signing agreement: the franchisee shall pay the company a fixed amount of brand improvement/increase fees and franchise fees, and sign the franchise contract. The franchisee must improve/increase the authenticity of the information provided to the company.
7. Personnel training: The company provides relevant personnel training and education for franchisees in a timely manner.
8. Design and decoration: The company provides the unified design and decoration scheme of the store, and decoration will be carried out in time after confirmation, and the designer will be arranged to design the model of the franchise store.
9. Sample production: after the franchisee signs for confirmation, the company will organize the production of samples in a timely manner.
10. Installation and commissioning: install the model of the franchise store, configure the special products, and install and debug the office equipment.
11. Opening preparation: make preparations and publicity before opening.

Self study space Joining dynamics


Self study space Related questions and answers


User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; The store covers more than 40 square meters.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the self-study space! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 06:07:18 From China  39.158.230*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; In addition to the rent, about 200000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the self-study space! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 04:07:15 From Zibo City, Shandong Province  39.75.18*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 98000。

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the self-study space! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 02:38:12 From Shandong Jining [Unicom]  60.211.156*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 50000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the self-study space! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 11:55:18 From Xiangxi Prefecture, Hunan Province  58.44.246*
  • Franchise fee and how to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the self-study space! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-30 04:40:48 From Gansu Province  42.90.112*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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